wow alot has happened. this is goina b looooong
I cleaned all day n then went 2 church pizza hut and walmart and i think i saw ross
I went 2 Seymour w/ the fam b cuz Tay had soccer and we watched Ross sleep....that was fun
Went 2 Fondulac 4 Syds game but we were early b cuz we thought it was @ 5:30. N me n my mom were pissed. SO @ 6:15 we went back 2 the field and i talked 2 Trents mom cuz now Haley is on Syd's team.
Quote of the day: "Stare @ my boobs and read my shirt" LMAO
i walkt 2 the track meet and met Eric and Jocelyn n waited 4 Amiee and Britt. While we waited i got really sick ((my heart)) so wen they got there i called my mom and i left. While i was leaving i saw was weird n it make feel ever more sick. I got home n slept n then Erika called me wen i was sleeping and it scared me n i didnt answer b cuz i never put 2 n 2 2gether. Leave me alone. Then i went 2 SJB 4 the concert n Erika or Cassie were there yet so i hung out w/ Garrett and then Erika got there n Angela jumped in2 my arms and then Erika tried 2....but it didnt work. n then we just waited and then erika wouldnt let me hug n then cassie got there and we went 2 DQ....i told erika the one thing....n then we were being dumb. we walked back n then watched the concert.
it was block n we went mini golfing n i was Alyse, Kristen, and Lindsey.....WOW we had ALOT of fun!!!!!!!!! N the rest of the day was boring
Ok well last night was very interesting. In study hall I just talked to Sammie, Eric and Britt the whole time. Then we were writing all over each others arms. Ya that was interesting. Eric wrote on my right arm Eric Eichman ♥ you and then the other arm he wrote Eric luves u but it looks like a V so it looks like it says Eric loves V which made me laugh but u gotta understand lotsa stuff 2 get that. Then Britt asked me 2 come over so I told her I would. Then Eric sed he wanted us to come over too so we were like fine we will. We just hung out @ Britt’s house n then realized that we couldn’t getta ride b cuz my mom was sick. Britt’s g-ma was mowing the lawn, her mom was sleeping and her sister was sick. Oh and my stupid bf….Eric, wouldn’t come get us b cuz he doesn’t take risks…..he can only have 1 friend in the car @ once…..hes dumb….learn 2 take risks idiot!! So we were really sad so this is wut Britt sed 2 her mom wen she got up, “Mom. Could you plz take me and Morgan over to Eric’s house 2 hang out 4 a while? He’s Morgan’s bf and she wants 2 go over there and he wants us to come over.” And her mom sed, “ok let’s go” LMAO I thought that was funny. We stopped @ McD first and got food and the girl dropped the fries all over the floor so she hadda go get new ones. And then we went 2 his house n he 8 my fries and Britt’s fries. Then we went in2 his basement 2 show us around and it was really cold down there n so I had the blanket and Eric was being a butt and wouldn’t warm me up. And Brittany named all the mounted deer on the walls…..DORK! Then it was getting a little 2 cold so we went n sat in his living room n talked and then we went 2 Alex, Teddy, and Nic’s house. N me n Britt were really quiet and cold. Then we were going 2 go 4 a boat ride but me n Britt didn’t want 2. And then we walked back 2 Eric’s n put our shoes on n went over 2 his side of the lake and sat n the grass w/ our feet in the water and then I was starting 2 get pissed b cuz Eric was flirting w/ Britt. @ least she told him 2 stop and yelled @ him. So then they went on his boat b cuz I am afraid of boats and I just sat there. N then Eric got stuck in the middle of the lake on a raft J and it was fun 2 watch. Then we were both really pissed @ him and so then we went back 2 his house n watched TV and finally Eric wasn’t being an ass. Then he showed us his school pic n he looked REALLY cute in it n hes like I have my freshman picture upstairs in my room n that’s a really good one 2 wanna c it. So I sed sure n we went up 2 his room 2 look @ it n then I stole his sunglasses n fell on2 his bed. He has the CUTEST pillow…it’s a body pillow shaped like a fish. N I had n then Britt came up b cuz Eric’s mom was downstairs and she sent Britt up 2 “make sure nothing happened” lol im not that dumb I wouldn’t let nething happen. And then Eric’s sister came home and I LOVE her. She is soo cool. She thinks I am pretty, no one thinks I am pretty!!!! N then I wanted the silly putty but he wouldn’t give it 2 meL. N then we were all just talking and getting 2 kno Mandy ((Eric’s sister)) and she told us her story of y she has a different last name then the rest of her family. Then we went back downstairs and we talked about how Eric’s never hadda gf. Poor guy! But that’s not true ne more!!!!! N then we were just watching TV n it was about 10 so I called my mom couldn’t come get us b cuz she was sick, darn. O well… I thought. N so then Mandy went 2 bed….. L I like her a lot and we were just watching TV…..ok Garrett if ur reading this…..we were accually looking @ the tv screen, not the other watching tv. And then Britt’s g-ma came and I went home.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Science and English Rock!
Pretty boring....hadda go 2 the airport @ 11:3o 2 get my cuz
slept til 12 went 2 my aunts....went 2 church went home went 2 my aunts went 2 the play
agen, slept til 12....n then went 2 my aunts....
went 2 church, went 2 my aunts, went 2 my dads
Morning: woke up n got ready, cried b cuz my pants didnt fit
Went 2 La Java
erika's: she opened her presents n loved them all :)
bus: ewwww danny cooley
school: RIGHT wen i saw Andy i turned around n saw the back of his sweatshirt sed Beaudry n then he turned around...AKWARD
Health: cut out pictures and words that describe my wonderful Bee Eff Eff
Algebra: they all hate Austin......n her teacher is AwEsOmE! She can sing....LmAo
Spanish: watched Selena
Theology: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOW is all i havta say; oh and that im blonde
Lunch: Cassie is a HUGE dork....n i eat alot.....
Science: OMG...EVERYONE in that class loves me! lol this DEF was my favorite class of the day....this and English; Casey stole my pen. EVERYONE was talking 2 me
History: made Erika a locker sign 4 her b-day n wrote Britt a note. n then told jokes
English: OMG...i LOVE Chris....hes just sooo funny! me n him r long lost cuzens....ya erika made us walk around the ENTIRE school 2 go 2 the bathroom. n her future is so bright ur goina need shades! lol n n her r soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bruised!!!
Study Hall: i was sooooooo sick i was going 2 puke. n then after a while Erika n i went on the "tour" n got stopped by like 1000000000000000000000000 teachers. N she got me a shirt that i gave 2 her. n then went back 2 study hall n talked 2 the cool Mike kid. hes cute!
bus: seth is an IDIOT
home: watched the breakfast club n erika hadda get up like a jillion times. i swear that one girl is going 2 makeout w/ the guy. 8 dinner n then hung out w/my lesbian LMAO
woodmans! YAY!
brought me home....
rest of the night....if u ask....u will DIE...n i am NOT kidding
Quotes from:
The hallway:
Me: He gave me an evil look!!!! Omg...*freaks out*
Erika: Can i have a pair of sissicors 4 me AND my shadow?
Morgan: Are you straight?
Austin: Bay Port one likes Bay Port
Austin: Im just kidding, Jesus loves all of us. Cept 4 the ones that go 2 Bay Port
Teacher: No your wrong
Girl in the corner: You dont understand,im right.
Erika: I ♥ Gamoreta ((its spelt different everytime))
Me: I ♥ Aaerroikan ((ya try 2 pronouce that))
Casey: *whispers 2 his friends and points 2 me n erika* are those 2 sisters?
Me: No we rnt sisters, just best friends.
Casey: oh ok
hot guy: sorry i was late, i had 2 talk 2 sum1 about my hair
Me: Y does he look familiar?
Erika: thats Chris
Me: o WOW blonde moment....majorly!
Mr. Lagerman: The linens were seperate
*i could go on 4EVER about funny quotes 4 this class but it would take 4EVER
Me: go get me more fries and another cheeseburger
Cassie: intersection of bisexual...........
*me n erika stare blankly @ her*
*5 minutes later*
Cassie: OMFG! WOW
Eddie: Im not allowed 2 talk 2 u 2day, Morgan wont like it
Me: WTF i dont care!
Ok well...theres mine n Erika's REALLY dumb fight n then....
Casey: ur kinda loud....
Erika: ya morgan shut up
Casey: u 2!
((ok i gotta point out....ANDY DOESNT TALK!))
Me: Gimmie back my pen
Casey: gimmie that note
Erika: he isnt going 2 kno who ur talking about theres 2 of them in here....
Me: ya but HE will kno
Casey: its not ur pen, its your sister's
Me: shes not my sister!!!!!!! and can i plz have back the pen that i bought 4 her 4 her birthday?
Me n Erika: didju c Drew's new pics?
Sam: OF WUT?!
Me: him and Liz
Sam: we r going 2 have a little talk about that, i hate Liz, i could rip her head off
sum kid: You dont kno ne1 here
Me: OMG... i kno almost everyone
kid: o really. who?
Me: *points 2 like more than 1/2 the class*
kid: ok so u do
Erika: u remind me of Ryan Malcore
Me: Y??!!! and how do u kno him
Erika: i am going out w/ him.....
Me: whoa....wut?!
sum girl: More jokes
*thats really it......*
*our bathroom trip had but i wont name em*
Erika: Morgan Lynn Reniee Herman gimmie sum gum
Chris: whoa.....wut was that?
Me: huh?
Chris: wuts your last name?
Me: Herman
*the rest is sed in like slow motion from both of us*
Chris: wuts your mom's name?
Me: Candy
*blankly stare @ eachother*
Chris: wuts your dads name?
Me: Mike
*chris is in TOTAL shock*
Chris: your moms name is Candace, right?
Me: yaaaaaa
Chris: are they married
Me: yes
Chris: i have an aunt n uncle that are married named Candace and Mike
* we are TOTALLY freaked out....*
*10 minutes later*
Me: parents are married....they just got recently divorced
Chris: oh, idk about my aunt n uncle
*5 minutes later*
Chris: omg....they just got recently divorced
*ok i am TOTALLY freaking out*
Chris: o but they moved from Madison
Me: did i live in Madison, i dont remember
Erika: no u didnt,
Me: how would u kno...i was 3
Me: Erika and Chris are step cuzens
*look @ eachother like they are about 2 die
Erika: o u kno u like it
Chris: ya i kno i like it.....but stop....
Study Hall:
Erika: do u want to go on the tour now?
Me: no
Erika: ok
*5 minutes later*
Me: alright lets go
Alright u kno wut....there r so done naming em all.....u just had 2 be there
ill finish the color coding talkin 2 my bf
Pretty boring....hadda go 2 the airport @ 11:3o 2 get my cuz
slept til 12 went 2 my aunts....went 2 church went home went 2 my aunts went 2 the play
agen, slept til 12....n then went 2 my aunts....
went 2 church, went 2 my aunts, went 2 my dads
Morning: woke up n got ready, cried b cuz my pants didnt fit
Went 2 La Java
erika's: she opened her presents n loved them all :)
bus: ewwww danny cooley
school: RIGHT wen i saw Andy i turned around n saw the back of his sweatshirt sed Beaudry n then he turned around...AKWARD
Health: cut out pictures and words that describe my wonderful Bee Eff Eff
Algebra: they all hate Austin......n her teacher is AwEsOmE! She can sing....LmAo
Spanish: watched Selena
Theology: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOW is all i havta say; oh and that im blonde
Lunch: Cassie is a HUGE dork....n i eat alot.....
Science: OMG...EVERYONE in that class loves me! lol this DEF was my favorite class of the day....this and English; Casey stole my pen. EVERYONE was talking 2 me
History: made Erika a locker sign 4 her b-day n wrote Britt a note. n then told jokes
English: OMG...i LOVE Chris....hes just sooo funny! me n him r long lost cuzens....ya erika made us walk around the ENTIRE school 2 go 2 the bathroom. n her future is so bright ur goina need shades! lol n n her r soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bruised!!!
Study Hall: i was sooooooo sick i was going 2 puke. n then after a while Erika n i went on the "tour" n got stopped by like 1000000000000000000000000 teachers. N she got me a shirt that i gave 2 her. n then went back 2 study hall n talked 2 the cool Mike kid. hes cute!
bus: seth is an IDIOT
home: watched the breakfast club n erika hadda get up like a jillion times. i swear that one girl is going 2 makeout w/ the guy. 8 dinner n then hung out w/my lesbian LMAO
woodmans! YAY!
brought me home....
rest of the night....if u ask....u will DIE...n i am NOT kidding
Quotes from:
The hallway:
Me: He gave me an evil look!!!! Omg...*freaks out*
Erika: Can i have a pair of sissicors 4 me AND my shadow?
Morgan: Are you straight?
Austin: Bay Port one likes Bay Port
Austin: Im just kidding, Jesus loves all of us. Cept 4 the ones that go 2 Bay Port
Teacher: No your wrong
Girl in the corner: You dont understand,im right.
Erika: I ♥ Gamoreta ((its spelt different everytime))
Me: I ♥ Aaerroikan ((ya try 2 pronouce that))
Casey: *whispers 2 his friends and points 2 me n erika* are those 2 sisters?
Me: No we rnt sisters, just best friends.
Casey: oh ok
hot guy: sorry i was late, i had 2 talk 2 sum1 about my hair
Me: Y does he look familiar?
Erika: thats Chris
Me: o WOW blonde moment....majorly!
Mr. Lagerman: The linens were seperate
*i could go on 4EVER about funny quotes 4 this class but it would take 4EVER
Me: go get me more fries and another cheeseburger
Cassie: intersection of bisexual...........
*me n erika stare blankly @ her*
*5 minutes later*
Cassie: OMFG! WOW
Eddie: Im not allowed 2 talk 2 u 2day, Morgan wont like it
Me: WTF i dont care!
Ok well...theres mine n Erika's REALLY dumb fight n then....
Casey: ur kinda loud....
Erika: ya morgan shut up
Casey: u 2!
((ok i gotta point out....ANDY DOESNT TALK!))
Me: Gimmie back my pen
Casey: gimmie that note
Erika: he isnt going 2 kno who ur talking about theres 2 of them in here....
Me: ya but HE will kno
Casey: its not ur pen, its your sister's
Me: shes not my sister!!!!!!! and can i plz have back the pen that i bought 4 her 4 her birthday?
Me n Erika: didju c Drew's new pics?
Sam: OF WUT?!
Me: him and Liz
Sam: we r going 2 have a little talk about that, i hate Liz, i could rip her head off
sum kid: You dont kno ne1 here
Me: OMG... i kno almost everyone
kid: o really. who?
Me: *points 2 like more than 1/2 the class*
kid: ok so u do
Erika: u remind me of Ryan Malcore
Me: Y??!!! and how do u kno him
Erika: i am going out w/ him.....
Me: whoa....wut?!
sum girl: More jokes
*thats really it......*
*our bathroom trip had but i wont name em*
Erika: Morgan Lynn Reniee Herman gimmie sum gum
Chris: whoa.....wut was that?
Me: huh?
Chris: wuts your last name?
Me: Herman
*the rest is sed in like slow motion from both of us*
Chris: wuts your mom's name?
Me: Candy
*blankly stare @ eachother*
Chris: wuts your dads name?
Me: Mike
*chris is in TOTAL shock*
Chris: your moms name is Candace, right?
Me: yaaaaaa
Chris: are they married
Me: yes
Chris: i have an aunt n uncle that are married named Candace and Mike
* we are TOTALLY freaked out....*
*10 minutes later*
Me: parents are married....they just got recently divorced
Chris: oh, idk about my aunt n uncle
*5 minutes later*
Chris: omg....they just got recently divorced
*ok i am TOTALLY freaking out*
Chris: o but they moved from Madison
Me: did i live in Madison, i dont remember
Erika: no u didnt,
Me: how would u kno...i was 3
Me: Erika and Chris are step cuzens
*look @ eachother like they are about 2 die
Erika: o u kno u like it
Chris: ya i kno i like it.....but stop....
Study Hall:
Erika: do u want to go on the tour now?
Me: no
Erika: ok
*5 minutes later*
Me: alright lets go
Alright u kno wut....there r so done naming em all.....u just had 2 be there
ill finish the color coding talkin 2 my bf
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
ok im bored n really sad....y did Jared tell me that? neways so ill post
Went 2 church n then 2 Sueanne's where Cassie was n me n her r um ya....TOTALLY ya u dont wanna kno. went grocery shopping and then called cassie n she came over n then she was there 4 like 4 hours n then faith came over n she is soooo cute! n then kathy n kylie came over n then i was online n Rachel told me about Susan's mom so i cried
omg the school day was sooooooooooo long, i thought i was going 2 die. n we had 2 run the 800 in Gym n i was crying and almost threw up. o and in LA i was being sooooooooooooo annoying but i was talking 2 Brandon about the dance n how him n cassie would make a cute couple. :) lol
the day went by fast n we hadda fire drill 2nd hour n was funny b cuz we were all complaining about how we didnt wanna write this paper thing n she is like you have to now get started we dont have much time. N then the alarm went off so we were all like O YESSS! n then the guys were like 5 minutes late wen we came back n mike n i were laughing
ok i skipped school this morning and slept n took a shower
got 2 the funeral n as i got there Chlc did. N then i was walking in church n in the front of church was Eddie....i was o my fucking god, WHY?! We walked in n i put my card in the basket thing and went up 2 talk 2 Susan and Amy. N i started crying right away b cuz i remember wen my dad worked w/ mrs. kanus, wen me n tay would go n visit her she would alwaiz put a hershey kiss on the top of our heads. N so i was like omg mom dont let susan see me yet so i stopped n then i gave susan a hug. poor susan :'( So we went n sat down n my mom sat right behind Josh i was like omg could it get worst. N then my dad walks in and my mom is like go get your dad n i was like omg i dont wanna sit by him n so shes like go get him. i was like omg mom n then she got mad. N then the funeral.......i didnt cry as much as i thought i would but i did cry alot. Then after i went over by the other ppl 2 c if they were going 2 the lunch afterwords n Sam just walks by me n just pulls me in 2 a hug n cries n i cried n man it wasnt good. N Rachel was in hysterics n i couldnt get 2 her but if i coulda i woulda gave her a huge hug. N then my dad is like o well Moe lets just go 2 Subway. So we went out side n syd was out 4 recess.....well her class so my dad n i waited 4 her 2 come out...n i was throwing away my tissues n wen i look up i see Haley, Cassie n Angela runing towards me n Angela gave me a huge hug, n then cassie n haley @ the same time n syd had ran over 2 my dad. N then we all went over 2 Syd n syd gave me a hug n so then we left 2 go 2 subway n we noticed that the whole way there we were following Ronsman's n so they were @ Subway n so were Shelby and Karen n 2 other girls. N then my dad took me 2 school.
Lunch: ((yes agen i just sat w/ them)) i talked 2 my girls and my feet were killing me.
Science: it was really boring
After school: just talked n all of the sudden Jennifer goes, do u kno that we r missing our buses right now? so all like i think it was 8 or 10 of us RAN all the way down the hallway n my bus was just leaving so me Brandon n Nicki stopped running. But then the bus next 2 mine honked its horn n our bus stopped....n then all three of us ran as fast as we could 2 the bus.....OMG it was HILARIOUS
Bus: man...its even better w/o garrett and w/ brandon. Jared took my phone n brandon was rubbing my head b cuz i wouldnt give them gum. N Jared is like im goina read this message u just got. n i was like new message? N he gave it back n then Paul is like Brandon control the WHOLE bus was laughing @ him. n then i read my message. i was like aaww ive got the bestest friend ever. n then me n Jared got off the bus n he told me the worst news ive heard in 4ever thats happening 2 one of my friends
home: nothing....i need 2 talk 2 one of my good friends.......BADLY
Went 2 church n then 2 Sueanne's where Cassie was n me n her r um ya....TOTALLY ya u dont wanna kno. went grocery shopping and then called cassie n she came over n then she was there 4 like 4 hours n then faith came over n she is soooo cute! n then kathy n kylie came over n then i was online n Rachel told me about Susan's mom so i cried
omg the school day was sooooooooooo long, i thought i was going 2 die. n we had 2 run the 800 in Gym n i was crying and almost threw up. o and in LA i was being sooooooooooooo annoying but i was talking 2 Brandon about the dance n how him n cassie would make a cute couple. :) lol
the day went by fast n we hadda fire drill 2nd hour n was funny b cuz we were all complaining about how we didnt wanna write this paper thing n she is like you have to now get started we dont have much time. N then the alarm went off so we were all like O YESSS! n then the guys were like 5 minutes late wen we came back n mike n i were laughing
ok i skipped school this morning and slept n took a shower
got 2 the funeral n as i got there Chlc did. N then i was walking in church n in the front of church was Eddie....i was o my fucking god, WHY?! We walked in n i put my card in the basket thing and went up 2 talk 2 Susan and Amy. N i started crying right away b cuz i remember wen my dad worked w/ mrs. kanus, wen me n tay would go n visit her she would alwaiz put a hershey kiss on the top of our heads. N so i was like omg mom dont let susan see me yet so i stopped n then i gave susan a hug. poor susan :'( So we went n sat down n my mom sat right behind Josh i was like omg could it get worst. N then my dad walks in and my mom is like go get your dad n i was like omg i dont wanna sit by him n so shes like go get him. i was like omg mom n then she got mad. N then the funeral.......i didnt cry as much as i thought i would but i did cry alot. Then after i went over by the other ppl 2 c if they were going 2 the lunch afterwords n Sam just walks by me n just pulls me in 2 a hug n cries n i cried n man it wasnt good. N Rachel was in hysterics n i couldnt get 2 her but if i coulda i woulda gave her a huge hug. N then my dad is like o well Moe lets just go 2 Subway. So we went out side n syd was out 4 recess.....well her class so my dad n i waited 4 her 2 come out...n i was throwing away my tissues n wen i look up i see Haley, Cassie n Angela runing towards me n Angela gave me a huge hug, n then cassie n haley @ the same time n syd had ran over 2 my dad. N then we all went over 2 Syd n syd gave me a hug n so then we left 2 go 2 subway n we noticed that the whole way there we were following Ronsman's n so they were @ Subway n so were Shelby and Karen n 2 other girls. N then my dad took me 2 school.
Lunch: ((yes agen i just sat w/ them)) i talked 2 my girls and my feet were killing me.
Science: it was really boring
After school: just talked n all of the sudden Jennifer goes, do u kno that we r missing our buses right now? so all like i think it was 8 or 10 of us RAN all the way down the hallway n my bus was just leaving so me Brandon n Nicki stopped running. But then the bus next 2 mine honked its horn n our bus stopped....n then all three of us ran as fast as we could 2 the bus.....OMG it was HILARIOUS
Bus: man...its even better w/o garrett and w/ brandon. Jared took my phone n brandon was rubbing my head b cuz i wouldnt give them gum. N Jared is like im goina read this message u just got. n i was like new message? N he gave it back n then Paul is like Brandon control the WHOLE bus was laughing @ him. n then i read my message. i was like aaww ive got the bestest friend ever. n then me n Jared got off the bus n he told me the worst news ive heard in 4ever thats happening 2 one of my friends
home: nothing....i need 2 talk 2 one of my good friends.......BADLY
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Ok well 2marow im not going 2 b here from either 9:30//10:30 til about like really late. So i might not even go 2 school. Idk yet. Me n Lauren r going 2gether b cuz my mom wants 2 go and hers doesnt.
Neways im bored so im going 2 post icons agen:

aaww rnt they pirty?! lol im kinda i getta go meet my mentee!!! God i hate mentoring!
Neways im bored so im going 2 post icons agen:









aaww rnt they pirty?! lol im kinda i getta go meet my mentee!!! God i hate mentoring!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Random Quotes: Found by Morgan Lynn Reniee Herman and Cassandra VanJune
~Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
~Isn't it weird that all year round your parents tell you not to play with fire, but on Independence Day they hand you a package of explosives, a lighter, and say have fun?
~Why do we say "heads up" when we actually duck?
~How do "do not walk on grass" signs get there?
~If someone's peeing and halfway through they die, would they keep pissing or stop?
~Can you still say "Put it where the sun don't shine " on a nude beach?
~Why is it that when adults have multiple personalities they are put in an mental hospital, but when a child has imaginary friends it's cute?
~If you swallow a burp does it turn into a fart?
~Can you put a gay man in a straight jacket?
~Why do bullies always ask "what’s your problem" when they're obviously not going to solve it?~Do stairs go up or down?
~When people say, "I’m so tired it's not even funny" or "my head hurts so much it's not even funny", why would it even be funny in the first place?
~If Hooters were to become a door-to-door service would they have to changetheir name to Knockers?
~If the swat team breaks down your door do they have to replace it later?
~"Cute as a button" Is that supposed to be a compliment? Since when are buttons cute?
~Can you breathe out of your nose and mouth at the same time?((plz do not attempt, cassie n i already tried....))
~Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
~Isn't it weird that all year round your parents tell you not to play with fire, but on Independence Day they hand you a package of explosives, a lighter, and say have fun?
~Why do we say "heads up" when we actually duck?
~How do "do not walk on grass" signs get there?
~If someone's peeing and halfway through they die, would they keep pissing or stop?
~Can you still say "Put it where the sun don't shine " on a nude beach?
~Why is it that when adults have multiple personalities they are put in an mental hospital, but when a child has imaginary friends it's cute?
~If you swallow a burp does it turn into a fart?
~Can you put a gay man in a straight jacket?
~Why do bullies always ask "what’s your problem" when they're obviously not going to solve it?~Do stairs go up or down?
~When people say, "I’m so tired it's not even funny" or "my head hurts so much it's not even funny", why would it even be funny in the first place?
~If Hooters were to become a door-to-door service would they have to changetheir name to Knockers?
~If the swat team breaks down your door do they have to replace it later?
~"Cute as a button" Is that supposed to be a compliment? Since when are buttons cute?
~Can you breathe out of your nose and mouth at the same time?((plz do not attempt, cassie n i already tried....))
ok. update....ya im gettin really lazy on this
Wednesday: went 2 GIFT n stole Erika's shoes; they r sooo cute!
Thursday: went 2 the physciatrist; n found out really bad news
Friday: was soo much fun! school wasnt thing on my leg bursted open n there was blood n puss everywhere. After school i went back 2 BP @4 talked 2 Lauren, ran around (literally) w/ alyssa, talked 2 Steph. went 2 Jennifer's solo ensomble 4 like a minute and RAN 2 Hannah's but really i coulda stayed 4 Jennifer's b cuz she did make it 2 Hannah's so i watched the double quertet of guys (damn they were VERY good!) w/ Danny...ryan was giving me looks tho so i was i made Danny stay w/ me. N then we watched Hannah n it was amazing n me n Danny "had 2 tie our shoes" so we listened 2 wut the judge told hannah's group. N then me n danny went n watched soccer n then went n watched baseball n then talked n then walked back 2 school. I asked him if he could gimmie a ride home b cuz his mom was there n he sed he would. N then i hung out w/ Hannah, Sam, Chris, Brandon, Sarah, Jennifer, Caitlin, and Ryan 4 the rest of the night. DAMN we had fun! @ first everyone was a little akward but after awhile it was fine. We went 2 the track meet 4 a total of....dun dun dun 1 minute! lol n then Brandon n Hannah needed 2 talk.....n Sam was being an ass so he went n followed them. n then other ppl followed....n then it was me n then i ran 2 catch up 2 them n then ryan came....n then sam finally settled w/ the fact that they were just talking. n then we all sat on the stairs n waited 4 them 2 come back n we had 2 have been there 4 like 45 minutes....i had on Caitlin's sunglasses n i was pimp n then after like 45 minutes we went n looked 4 them ALL over school....n then jennifer n ryan disappeared n then they had found them. N then she ran off n so did hannah so it was me bj n ryan. N brandons like, "U might have to hide in the guys bathroom w/ us" n i was like o crap but then we ran. N me n ryan had sunglasses on so we looked like spies....n then we ran 2 the child development room and hid in the doorway. N then they r like go out there b cuz all of the others were in purple pod, so they're like go out there n just walk by casually so no one looks here n then we will run 4 it n u run another way. so i tried 2 do that n i had EVERYONE by the room n then one of em made a sound so hannah looked back n found em. N then we went 2 green pod n hung out n then went 2 purple pod n i put my jacket in my locker.....n then went back 2 green n just talked about stuff....n we tried 2 get hannah up on the lockers but it didnt work, n then my dad called me 2 tell me that they were going 2 the mall n a movie n asked if i wanted 2 come n im like nah i wanna stay here n hes like ok n u hava ride n im like yep....n then ryan was following me n my dad is like u need 2 clean your room b4 u go online n i sed ok n after i got off i told ryan hes like o we should have all went n i was like my dad would have been glad 2 take us all but we would have had 2 get rides back. so it didnt work. N then we all went back 2 Purple pod so that me sarah n hannah could get our jackets. n got our jackets n then went 2 the commons n then 2 the gym n back 2 the commons n sat there....n omg....chris n sam had 2 leave so it was just brandon n ryan as the only guys. creepy....n omg...this is where we all laughed the hardest. we were in the hallway n they put hannah in the middle n then danced really close 2 her...n everyone was laughing n then they did it 2 sarah...n then we went back 2 the commons (agen) n omg....brandon n ryan...i LOVE them! they make me laugh soo hard....they were acting like girls.....n they took my cell n had the sunglasses n took jennifer n sarah's jackets n was soo fun! n then sarah kicked brandon in the worng spot so we were ALL behind the pillar w/ tables like 4 inches away. it was funny! n then we all went back n sat @ the table n then danny came n he changed my banner n then we hadda go so i hugged everyone n told them good bye. n then danny's mom was like ya our basketball hoop fell on the car 2day so the mirror was dangling...n then they dropped me off n i cleaned my room n went online!
2day: woke up @ 10:45 n then took a shower n tay i went 2 my aunts n made cookies, i came home n found out one more kid 2 babysit. So i now am babysitting 6 kids, Sydney, Cooper, Kylie, Logan, Caden and Faith. But its going well, they are all watching a movie
2marow: going 2 church n then 2 Benchwarmers w/ Kyla, Heidi, Hannah, Brittany, and Jennifer
monday: school; moms
tuesday: school nothing
wednesday: school nothing
thursday: school; going 2 the airport @ 11:30 2 meet my cousin, his wife and his daughter
friday: hanging out w/ my cousin all day
saturday: same as friday
sunday: HAPPY EASTER! Happy Birthday Sam!
((im goin farther b cuz idk if ill post b4 then))
monday: sleeping all day
ok ya ill post after that prolly!
Wednesday: went 2 GIFT n stole Erika's shoes; they r sooo cute!
Thursday: went 2 the physciatrist; n found out really bad news
Friday: was soo much fun! school wasnt thing on my leg bursted open n there was blood n puss everywhere. After school i went back 2 BP @4 talked 2 Lauren, ran around (literally) w/ alyssa, talked 2 Steph. went 2 Jennifer's solo ensomble 4 like a minute and RAN 2 Hannah's but really i coulda stayed 4 Jennifer's b cuz she did make it 2 Hannah's so i watched the double quertet of guys (damn they were VERY good!) w/ Danny...ryan was giving me looks tho so i was i made Danny stay w/ me. N then we watched Hannah n it was amazing n me n Danny "had 2 tie our shoes" so we listened 2 wut the judge told hannah's group. N then me n danny went n watched soccer n then went n watched baseball n then talked n then walked back 2 school. I asked him if he could gimmie a ride home b cuz his mom was there n he sed he would. N then i hung out w/ Hannah, Sam, Chris, Brandon, Sarah, Jennifer, Caitlin, and Ryan 4 the rest of the night. DAMN we had fun! @ first everyone was a little akward but after awhile it was fine. We went 2 the track meet 4 a total of....dun dun dun 1 minute! lol n then Brandon n Hannah needed 2 talk.....n Sam was being an ass so he went n followed them. n then other ppl followed....n then it was me n then i ran 2 catch up 2 them n then ryan came....n then sam finally settled w/ the fact that they were just talking. n then we all sat on the stairs n waited 4 them 2 come back n we had 2 have been there 4 like 45 minutes....i had on Caitlin's sunglasses n i was pimp n then after like 45 minutes we went n looked 4 them ALL over school....n then jennifer n ryan disappeared n then they had found them. N then she ran off n so did hannah so it was me bj n ryan. N brandons like, "U might have to hide in the guys bathroom w/ us" n i was like o crap but then we ran. N me n ryan had sunglasses on so we looked like spies....n then we ran 2 the child development room and hid in the doorway. N then they r like go out there b cuz all of the others were in purple pod, so they're like go out there n just walk by casually so no one looks here n then we will run 4 it n u run another way. so i tried 2 do that n i had EVERYONE by the room n then one of em made a sound so hannah looked back n found em. N then we went 2 green pod n hung out n then went 2 purple pod n i put my jacket in my locker.....n then went back 2 green n just talked about stuff....n we tried 2 get hannah up on the lockers but it didnt work, n then my dad called me 2 tell me that they were going 2 the mall n a movie n asked if i wanted 2 come n im like nah i wanna stay here n hes like ok n u hava ride n im like yep....n then ryan was following me n my dad is like u need 2 clean your room b4 u go online n i sed ok n after i got off i told ryan hes like o we should have all went n i was like my dad would have been glad 2 take us all but we would have had 2 get rides back. so it didnt work. N then we all went back 2 Purple pod so that me sarah n hannah could get our jackets. n got our jackets n then went 2 the commons n then 2 the gym n back 2 the commons n sat there....n omg....chris n sam had 2 leave so it was just brandon n ryan as the only guys. creepy....n omg...this is where we all laughed the hardest. we were in the hallway n they put hannah in the middle n then danced really close 2 her...n everyone was laughing n then they did it 2 sarah...n then we went back 2 the commons (agen) n omg....brandon n ryan...i LOVE them! they make me laugh soo hard....they were acting like girls.....n they took my cell n had the sunglasses n took jennifer n sarah's jackets n was soo fun! n then sarah kicked brandon in the worng spot so we were ALL behind the pillar w/ tables like 4 inches away. it was funny! n then we all went back n sat @ the table n then danny came n he changed my banner n then we hadda go so i hugged everyone n told them good bye. n then danny's mom was like ya our basketball hoop fell on the car 2day so the mirror was dangling...n then they dropped me off n i cleaned my room n went online!
2day: woke up @ 10:45 n then took a shower n tay i went 2 my aunts n made cookies, i came home n found out one more kid 2 babysit. So i now am babysitting 6 kids, Sydney, Cooper, Kylie, Logan, Caden and Faith. But its going well, they are all watching a movie
2marow: going 2 church n then 2 Benchwarmers w/ Kyla, Heidi, Hannah, Brittany, and Jennifer
monday: school; moms
tuesday: school nothing
wednesday: school nothing
thursday: school; going 2 the airport @ 11:30 2 meet my cousin, his wife and his daughter
friday: hanging out w/ my cousin all day
saturday: same as friday
sunday: HAPPY EASTER! Happy Birthday Sam!
((im goin farther b cuz idk if ill post b4 then))
monday: sleeping all day
ok ya ill post after that prolly!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Ok so i havent wrriten in a while....
lately life has been sucking worse than a hooker on a honeymoon ((ha ha sara likes that))
Saturday: sat @ home,set up the computer n then went n gotta burrito n it made me laugh b cuz of friday night n then babysat Kylie which was fun
Sunday: woke up @ like 9:45 n went 2 church n then out 2 lunch w/ my dad n then the Woodmans. then i came home n tay, katie n i went 2 Shes the man which was soo funny!
Monday: horrible day....i left @ 2:20 n went 2 the hospital n they hooked it all up n stuff....n it was greatly uncomfortable...n then i hadda wash my hair in the sink b cuz it was REALLY greasy
Tuesday: um...first day wearing the thing n it sucked ass but it wasnt that bad. I got home n then went outside 4 a lil while then we 8 n went 2 BP//BV, it was fun went 2 BP 2 watch the sports...i watched Trevor, i love that kid! N then we went 2 BV 4 an ice cream social n that was fun
2day: when i get home from school i go 2 the doctor, get back from there take off this thing n then soccer @ 5 n GIFT @ 5:30, fun fun fun
So ya....only 4 hours 7 minutes and 16 seconds left, YAY
lately life has been sucking worse than a hooker on a honeymoon ((ha ha sara likes that))
Saturday: sat @ home,set up the computer n then went n gotta burrito n it made me laugh b cuz of friday night n then babysat Kylie which was fun
Sunday: woke up @ like 9:45 n went 2 church n then out 2 lunch w/ my dad n then the Woodmans. then i came home n tay, katie n i went 2 Shes the man which was soo funny!
Monday: horrible day....i left @ 2:20 n went 2 the hospital n they hooked it all up n stuff....n it was greatly uncomfortable...n then i hadda wash my hair in the sink b cuz it was REALLY greasy
Tuesday: um...first day wearing the thing n it sucked ass but it wasnt that bad. I got home n then went outside 4 a lil while then we 8 n went 2 BP//BV, it was fun went 2 BP 2 watch the sports...i watched Trevor, i love that kid! N then we went 2 BV 4 an ice cream social n that was fun
2day: when i get home from school i go 2 the doctor, get back from there take off this thing n then soccer @ 5 n GIFT @ 5:30, fun fun fun
So ya....only 4 hours 7 minutes and 16 seconds left, YAY
Sunday, April 02, 2006 ya i hate my moms computer.... im sleeping this morning n i was on the couch n my mom was on the phone n shes like ok but we cant tell morgan....n so i woke up n i was like tell me wut n she told "the person" she hadda go....n she went n dropped tay n lyssa off @ Faith's n she left her planner thing here....n i looked it in...n it sed 2 pm- mike brings over ner computer.....i was like in total shock....n NO ONE was home so i turned on the radio as loud as it goes n i started 2 dance around n i was soooooooooooooooooooooooo now we hava new computer n i set it up n Kathy made fun of me....
so i earned $40 only um....$360 left. N then i own my money n i will never get in this dept agen.....well its one of those teenage mistakes that sum/most teenagers make n then realize wut they did n could get in2 a lotta trouble im sleeping this morning n i was on the couch n my mom was on the phone n shes like ok but we cant tell morgan....n so i woke up n i was like tell me wut n she told "the person" she hadda go....n she went n dropped tay n lyssa off @ Faith's n she left her planner thing here....n i looked it in...n it sed 2 pm- mike brings over ner computer.....i was like in total shock....n NO ONE was home so i turned on the radio as loud as it goes n i started 2 dance around n i was soooooooooooooooooooooooo now we hava new computer n i set it up n Kathy made fun of me....
so i earned $40 only um....$360 left. N then i own my money n i will never get in this dept agen.....well its one of those teenage mistakes that sum/most teenagers make n then realize wut they did n could get in2 a lotta trouble
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Ok 3//31// deserves a post ok not the school day b cuz that was the worst its been in a while.
This concert was def. the best way 2 end March. We went 2 the concert @ 5 n just talked 2 sum ppl from Pulaski. I got TONS of compliments on my hair....its cute, i put 1/2 of it up in2 a bun and curled the ends n then curled the rest of my hair. N then Danny got there n i got introduced 2 him. ((Cutie)) N then i met Laura, Shelby n i think it was Kate but idk, im goina use that name even tho its prolly not that. N so we just stood there n i talked 2 Nates mom about Erika n how she was doing n all that stuff. N then Nate and Dany came in n asked me if i wanted 2 go get sumthing 2 eat. N so i thought it was just goina b me Danny n Nate...n i was kinda scared but then Laura, Shelby n Kate came. N on the way 2 the gas station ((theres where we picked 2 eat)) we stopped @ a park in hicks town ((Pulaski)) O wow i've NEVER had more fun @ a park. We went on the merry-go-round all six of us...n then danny fell off n Laura was all dizzy. N then they all went on it agen me n Danny went on the slide. n well danny aint 2 smart n im like u go first n hes like ok w/e fine....n hes a dipshit n 4got that it rained so he went down n hes like. "Shit my ass is wet" n i was like ur sucha loser n then i went down......n then ya...we started 2 keep walking 2 the gas station. n @ the gas station alot happened. Nate is soooooo funny! N then as we r all being dumb Danny goes over n gets a burrito n comes back n everyone is like u can read the menu...n hes like um was funny. N then his burrito was exploding n i was almost crien it was so funny. N then he wanted 2 sit in a tree n agen he 4got it rained n so hes like man y the hell is this so slippery? n then laura is like, it wow. N then we got back n i talked 2 Oliver about Erika ((everyone loves her! ;) )) n then me Danny just talked....then this one girl came over n she looked familiar n i was like uhm from where? n so she left n we kept talking...n then about an hour later we went out on2 the dance floor n that girl turns around n goes, "Are you Erika Compton's friend?" n i was like OMG ya now i member i saw u @ the basketball game! shes soo cool! n then me n Nate got in a fight about Erika....wutta dork. N then all us girls nate n danny n a BUNCH of other ppl were going 2 go 2 Oliver's house so i called n told my mom. N then we went back n then i got tired so i just sat on the table n then everyone else is like alright lets go 2 Olive's house but then we figured out that we wouldnt b able 2 get home b cuz we wouldnt leave til about like 4 am so i called n told my mom i was goina sleep @ Laura's n then we just plain decided not 2 go 2 his house so Nate's mom took me home n his bro sat in front so me n Nate were in the back n we talked about uhm....i dont member...o music...i love that guy! then he dropped me off...
i will write all the inside jokes later
i need 2 get off b4 my good mood changes back in2 a bad mood.
This concert was def. the best way 2 end March. We went 2 the concert @ 5 n just talked 2 sum ppl from Pulaski. I got TONS of compliments on my hair....its cute, i put 1/2 of it up in2 a bun and curled the ends n then curled the rest of my hair. N then Danny got there n i got introduced 2 him. ((Cutie)) N then i met Laura, Shelby n i think it was Kate but idk, im goina use that name even tho its prolly not that. N so we just stood there n i talked 2 Nates mom about Erika n how she was doing n all that stuff. N then Nate and Dany came in n asked me if i wanted 2 go get sumthing 2 eat. N so i thought it was just goina b me Danny n Nate...n i was kinda scared but then Laura, Shelby n Kate came. N on the way 2 the gas station ((theres where we picked 2 eat)) we stopped @ a park in hicks town ((Pulaski)) O wow i've NEVER had more fun @ a park. We went on the merry-go-round all six of us...n then danny fell off n Laura was all dizzy. N then they all went on it agen me n Danny went on the slide. n well danny aint 2 smart n im like u go first n hes like ok w/e fine....n hes a dipshit n 4got that it rained so he went down n hes like. "Shit my ass is wet" n i was like ur sucha loser n then i went down......n then ya...we started 2 keep walking 2 the gas station. n @ the gas station alot happened. Nate is soooooo funny! N then as we r all being dumb Danny goes over n gets a burrito n comes back n everyone is like u can read the menu...n hes like um was funny. N then his burrito was exploding n i was almost crien it was so funny. N then he wanted 2 sit in a tree n agen he 4got it rained n so hes like man y the hell is this so slippery? n then laura is like, it wow. N then we got back n i talked 2 Oliver about Erika ((everyone loves her! ;) )) n then me Danny just talked....then this one girl came over n she looked familiar n i was like uhm from where? n so she left n we kept talking...n then about an hour later we went out on2 the dance floor n that girl turns around n goes, "Are you Erika Compton's friend?" n i was like OMG ya now i member i saw u @ the basketball game! shes soo cool! n then me n Nate got in a fight about Erika....wutta dork. N then all us girls nate n danny n a BUNCH of other ppl were going 2 go 2 Oliver's house so i called n told my mom. N then we went back n then i got tired so i just sat on the table n then everyone else is like alright lets go 2 Olive's house but then we figured out that we wouldnt b able 2 get home b cuz we wouldnt leave til about like 4 am so i called n told my mom i was goina sleep @ Laura's n then we just plain decided not 2 go 2 his house so Nate's mom took me home n his bro sat in front so me n Nate were in the back n we talked about uhm....i dont member...o music...i love that guy! then he dropped me off...
i will write all the inside jokes later
i need 2 get off b4 my good mood changes back in2 a bad mood.
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