Ok 4 peeps that don’t know…I have NEVER been sick on a school day…so I have never missed a day of school in my life. SO ya 2day I got really sick…:’(
Ok so 2day I got up @ 4 bcuz my stupid dad woke me up and I felt funny so I jest got up n rote 2 Erika in r secret files and then @ 5:00 I went 2 back 2 bed 2 c if I could sleep…I laid there 4 about a ½ hour and then fell asleep.
@ 7:00 I got up and went in2 tha bathroom n puked…then I was walkin upstairs n almost fell over I was so dizzy…I went in2 my mom n dads room n laid on there bed w/ my mom and it was 7:30 and my mom told me 2 go get ready and I faught n faught her til she sed I could stay…I hadda fever of 105 so ya she hadda take me 2 tha doctor.
All they did was tell me 2 sleep 4 a while and c how I am @ 10 and call them back. Then they popped tha blister on my foot bcuz it was really buggin me.
We got home @ 8:15. And I went in2 my sisters room and fell asleep til 10 and then I woke up and I felt totally fine!!! I was like my good ol’ self agen!!!
SO I called my mom and told her and then we three wayed tha doctor…lol and he told me that it was b cuz I got up so early and haven’t been sleeping 4 awhile. Tha fever was b cuz I had my room temp. up 2 high and then it was really warm in tha doctor. Tha doctor sed iwas ok 2 go 2 school agen.
So my mom told me that she would come n pick me up @ 10:45 and so I had 45 minutes 2 kill so I emailed my dad and told him wut as going on then I went n got dressed 4 school…n jest 4 nate n chelsie I wore my orange shirt n tan pants…I AM NOT GOTH!!!!!!!
Then I still hadda ½ hour left so I decided that I was goina curl my bangs…well that only took 5 minutes so I still had 25 minutes so I started 2 get crazy n started 2 curl tha ends of all tha hair I had down and got done w/ that n it didn’t look good so I started 2 curl it so it was all curly and then I curled all tha hair that I had up 2 and wen my mom got there I looked like Shirly Temple….he he he.
Then I got in tha car w/ her and I heard static on tha radio n it sounded like rain and I go, ”mom r u listening 2 rain?!?!?!?” I was b in sarcastic and I thought that it was music w/ static and she goes well No i am listening 2 a stream. and she was!!! Im like…I didn’t mean that mom!!! LOL LOL LOL
We got 2 school n Mrs. Kwaterski goes…Morgan r u ok?!?! (member I have never missed school b4) im like ya im ok…I was jest a lil sick…but im ok now…
SO I got ther n they were in Gym…so I jest sat there n watched…then I went 2 get a drink n of course Nate is there…He goes, “So u finally decided 2 come 2 school…ha ha ha I beat u!! (He hasn’t ever missed a day of school either) SO then I told him 2 shut up…lol he he he…then of course chelsie saw me n she goes MORGAN GO HOME GO HOME GO HOME!!!!!!!! UR SICK GO HOME!!! OMG ALL DAY THAT IS ALL I HEARD FROM EVERYONE….I WANTED 2 CRY..NO ONE WANTED ME @ SCHOOL!!!
Then I officially started my school day:
SS: we hadda test…I didn’t take it…well I tried but he sed that if it wasn’t good he would let me retake it…
English: Ok I have tha most retarted sister in tha world….wut is so hard about given a person a floppy disk and gettin one back?!?!? WUT AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!! (if u don’t know don’t ask)so then we hadda another test…this one I was ready 4 bcuz it was easy…Erika had on a really beautiful outfit 2day… she looked awesome…a lot of people complimented her. OMG I WAS TALKIN NONSTOP AND I WOULDN’T SHUT UP…EVERYONE JEST WANTED ME 2 SHUT UP I COULD TELL…ERIKA GAVE ME THA LOOK…I HATE THAT LOOK!!!!
Lunch: once agen everyone wanted me 2 go home…:’( I really wanted 2 b cuz everyone hated me…but it would b kinda stupid 2 stay home in tha morning n then comin 2 school n then goin home early….ya so I wasn’t goina….
Recess: Laur n Cassie n Steph n beth all r awesome people…they all made me sooo crazy…Lauren n I were talking about how I am spenden tha weekend w/ her in 23 daiz n we were talking about how I was defiantly goina meet Jesse…then we got on “that” subject agen…tha jesse looks like tha male version of cassie subject…well steph hadn’t heard that story yet so we told it 2 her and that’s wen it all started!!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!
My new name is ~tha Sick Phsyco Smelly Stupid Salmon~ Lauren was runnen away from me n I was soooooooooooooo hyper from all that nrg I saved up this morning… so I was runnen after her and she was tryen 2 tir her shoe and I would run after her EVERY time n then I was runnen acrost a puddle n even tho I am wearing tha pants that fit me they were comin off n Cassie n Beth n Steph were b hind me n cassie goes tha salmons weakness is…her pants fall off!! LOL LOL LOL
Religion: OMG it was boing in funny @ tha same time…ok we did a meditation and even tho I was sleeping ALL morning u would think that I would stay awake during tha meditation 2 hear wut tha teacher was sayen…well no I cant….wut can I say….i was “sick” well ne ways…@ tha end mrs. F goes ok u can open ur eyes n nate n I were sleepen so cassie hadda wake us up… well she got me up 1st n then we were looking @ Nathan and he was smiling…well we found out after he woke up that he was dreaming!! OMG I was laughen my head off b cuz u shoulda cn his face…J
Science: OK I GOTTA SAY….I HAVE STARTED 2 LUV SCIENCE CLASS SITTEN BY CASSIE N NATE. Ok so since we were sleeping in Religion nate n I were jest like ½ dead…I mean he even fell asleep agen n I almost did….then I got him up n then he desperately needed a jolly rancher b cuz he says it would wake him up…well I didn’t have ne money so he is searchen n searchenthru his back pack and @ tha bottom of his backpack he found 20 cents…well u no 2 jolly ranchers usually wakes him up…I have ben in this situation w/ him b4…so I thought he was goina go buy himself 2…well I think that he made it a habit that if he has more than 10 cents he gives me tha rest…I kinda like it b cuz I do tha same 4 him…or I will give it 2 erika n he doesn’t care…lol. HE is so nice…sumtimes….well we r both obbessed over Napolean Dynomite so agen we were talking about it….he is so funny sumtimes…J then we hadda correct GRnV…he did good…I always correct his papers in science…he makes shure I do….ok w/e…one time I was goina switch w/ cassie n susan n he wouldn’t let me…ok like I sed w/e!!! Then we were talking about his girl friend…she is an awesome gal…then tha hole class was talking about tricks we can play on people n Maggie says…when u go 2 a restraunt and sumone hasta go 2 tha bathroom u put tobassco sauce around tha top of their glass. Then Nate looks @ me n goes if u guys ever do that 2 me I will hurt u siverurly…then I go OOOO NNNNNOOOOO dude we would never do that 2 u…we r fond of u but we would do it 2 r siblings….b cuz we rnt fond of them. he started bursting out laughing. N ross castner is not a loser…and I don’t care if u hate him my life doesn’t depend on u nate!!! He he he Omg this next part surprised me wen I sed it…Ok r convo:
Nate: I look so odd in this picture
Morgan: um…no u don’t
Nate: yes I am!!!
Morgan: I don’t think so
Nate: u suck
~every 5seconds he opens his planner~
Nate: I cant stop looking @ how odd I am in this picture!!
~Then my brain jest figured out wut I jest sed….OMG! YA!!!~
then he askes cassie
Nate: cassie am I odd?
~cassie is one of tha first people 2 hear odd…she new about odd b4 I did~
Cassie: yes
Nate n I: OMG
Ya that was a special Science class…all igot 2 say about that is….LUV YA LOTS N LOTS N LOTS NATE!!! LOL jp jp jp jp jp I only luv him lots like a friend but nothing more…don’t worry ____________ I m not tryen 2 steal ur bf
Bus: 2day was fun!!! Jenny n Chris get on tha bus n I was riteing on my name tag all tha guys I liked n Jenny goes morgan u like more than one guy??? And since chris was there I hadda come up w/ sumthin clever 2 say….i sed well everyone on this bus says I look like a slut so I mise well act like one dotcha think??? Well that put them in shock n I won…he hehe!!
~Jacob Gillis I luv u!!!! We r so mean 2 Kellen/Dude and my name is now noodle gurl…jake n I were talking about r past realtionships…don’t worry jake Barbie belong 2gether…lol then ken wants 2 b a girl…ken is Michael Jackson…and god!!! OMG I luv u like a lil bro JAKE!!! N no zach I will not go out w/ u…I don’t go out w/ fat people!!! Sersiously people he is like really fat…eeeewwwwwwww.
I got home n talked 2 ryan 4 about 2 seconds n got bored of talking 2 him b cuz he doesn’t ever figure out that ti would b nice if he jest called me once in while jest 2 say hi…he always hasta hava reason 4 calling me…I gotta tell him 2 call me if he wont…and then that’s his reason.
Then I went 4 my daily walk down 2 belleplane circle n back and then faith came over and we babysat her…I taught her how 2 say I luv u…right now it souds like I yellow blue but we r working on it…she can sing tha ABC’s even tha part that goes now I no my ABC’s next time wont u sing w/ me…she is so cute!!!!
Then she left n I wasn’t feeling good agen so I took a bath and fell asleep in tha bath…got up n out of tha bath n did my hair so that I could go shopping w/ my mom…it looked really good…it was braided in 5 different places on tha sides of my hair and then all tha braids were 2gether in a ½ pony tail, my mom luved it…so she wants me 2 wear it like that 4 easter.
I got home from shoppin and came here 2 write my blog…it took me an 1 hour 2 do…in word it is 7 pages long!! WOW
Well im goina go…ttyl…Luv ya all!!! Specially u jake n ross!!! Jk jk jk jest ross…there Erika not jest u no now…everyone noes…ill tell u another secret later…lol
Classes I missed 2day:
~Gym…I got there w/ 5minutes left so ya I missed it
It is:
4 more says til Washington D.C.
24 more days til Erika’s birthday
35 more days til my mom n dads anniversary, scotts n Victoria’s birthday n my um lets jest say peoples anniversary
3 months and 23 more days til Alicia, Faith, n mine birthday
3 months n 18 days til ryans birthday
o I 4got sums stuff….
1st I didn’t get 2 smell him and now I am really mad!!!
3rd my name is Sick Phsyco Smelly Stupid Salmon don’t ever 4get it!!!4th hope u hadda great day like me kinda…well once I got 2 Lunch it was great!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
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i am a scary person i guess lol
well im glad u feel better now!! and i did miss u when u were gone. specially when i had 2 sing in church all by myself lol and its to bad that u missed his smell cuz he smells good
thanx anonymous...ya u r erika...and dont worry nates gurlfriend
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