Monday, August 29, 2005

packers suck, n aaron is awesome! o n Congrats ALISHA N DUSTIN LUOMA!!!

OK my was very intresting

im only goin say tha highlights...

on the way up there
~tha garbage can
~all r intresting conversations
~talking about how i have problems breathing
~i was blue wen i was a baby
~eaten a bunch of junk

wen i got there
~i hadda step in 4 randee n walk up w/ Jason
~Jessica n Jill were laughin @ me
~eatin like a bunch of junk
~b in really quiet n everyone gettin worried about me
~going swimming w/ aaron @ 11 pm in white shirts n jeans...(it was awesome!)
~gettin really cold so aaron hugged me in tha middle of the lake w/ everyone staring @ us...
~trien 2 change in tha suana w/o ne1 comin in on aaron stood gaurd of the door...
~ryan calling me in the middle of my game
~not sleepin n wen i went 2 tell my mom i stopped breathing...i am only goina explain that 2 erika n carrie b cuz they r porally the only ppl that wont make fun of me
~@ the hospital findin out that i could go a hole 5-7 daiz w/o sleep...(makes me feel like superwoman..LOL)

saturday gettin ready
~ @ 8:35 i getta text message from ryan 2 call him...ya right!
~um...getting up @ like 11 n gettin put 2 work tha moment i walk outta tha room
~doin my hair...which took 4EVER!
~curling taylors hair...that took like 1 hr
~rushing around 2 get dressed b cuz taylors hair took 2 long
~putting on makeup n asken all tha girls if u put on eye shadow first or was eye
~taylor 4gettin her shirt so i hadda drive back 2 my aunts...yes
~gettin her shirt, n then driven back 2 my aunts 4 the wedding

the wedding
~syd n cooper pullen xander up in the wagon
~ashlen 4gettin 2 throw her flowers
~randee comin in tha middle n gettin me outta standin up
~the bee that troy n randy hit...LOL funniest thing during the hole wedding
~taylor eating the wedding rice
~taylor singing...she has a beautiful voice!!!
~syd n coop haven 2 hold hands walkin down the aisle

after the wedding
~ goin thru the line huggin all the ppl n coop n syd r gettin really wrestless
~huggin aaron sayen u did inside joke
~pullen xander around in the wagon n all tha ppl talkin 2 him
~doin magens hair w/ jessica n jill
~callen erika n her mom screamin that she loves me n she misses me...
~checken my cell fone every 2 seconds

@ the reception!
~Grinding drunk guys w/ jessica n jill
~taken pictures in tha wedding car w/ aaron n his friend
~OMG freakin out b cuz i am goin 2 highschool
~dancing w/ tha balloon groom
~the dollar dance...i danced w/ both of em 4 like 5 dollars each b cuz we love them
~crien 4 3 hrs
~4gettin that erika was goina call me n turnin off my fone
~me jessica jill n xander the only ones on the dance floor actin like total dorks
~my brother not wanting 2 kiss alisha on the cheek 4 the picture b cuz he was so embarassed
~syd n ashlen kissen dustin
~taken a black n white picture of my n aaron
~not eating nething @ all...i was sooooooo sick!
~b in sick but yet b in a totally myself

@ my aunts house
~ u dont needa kno

sunday mornin
~gettin up n eating pizza 4 breakfast
~another breathing incident
~goin swimming w/ cooper n aaron n aaron tellin me 2 get tha golf ball under the water so that he could hold my hand...
~sayen bye 2 everyone n holly goin if u sed bye then n i snuck out the back door...n he asked me out but i sed no b cuz i cant handle a long distance realtionship but i really liked him
~aarons mom sayen that me n aaron were fighting like we were married
~alisha told aaron 2 talk 2 me b cuz i love 2 talk
~aarons mom sayen we love eachother
~aaron maken fun of me b cuz i was young n cant take drivers ed til jr year
~crien wen i left
~aaron kissing me on the cheek as i left

the drive home
~my mom gettin so sick that she accually let me drive a lil bit...(she went 2 tha hospital wen she got back home)
~trien 2 catchup 2 my aunt so she could drive 4 my mom
~talkin about highschool w/ my uncle

So that was my awesome weekend...i gotta drive a couple times 2!!! YES~!

School starts in like 4 daiz!!!

goin 2 the football game 2night w/ carrie, erika? n ryan

Hope Erika, Chlc, Cassie, Sam, Katie, Abbey, Chelsie, n Seth n everyone else thats @ NDA is haven a good 1st day of school

Love ya erika, chlc n chelsie!!

Love alwaiz w/ all my heart,

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