Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Is he a friend or more?

You Have Part-Time Passion

(20-25 Points)

The guy is obviously into you, but just how deeply is open to question. He returns your calls, but you can't set your clock by the reliability of his response. He gives you presents on special occasions, but of the noncommittal sort (nothing you can wear on your neck or finger). If his friends pop up, he won't run and hide, but he's not looking to integrate you into his life.It's time for a talk. In a nonthreatening way, broach the subject of where he sees or doesn't see the relationship between the two of you going. Does he think it has the potential to get serious down the road, or does he see you as a good-time Charlotte? It's better to know how things stand than to hang onto false hope. The bottom line: Take care of yourself by asking the hard questions now. Even though it's a scary thing to do, you'll save yourself some time (not to mention heartache) by dealing with the answers sooner, rather than later.

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