Monday, April 18, 2005

Lauren likes ___________!!!!

OMG laurens house was so much fun!!!!

OK so i got there on Friday and wen we got there we walked over 2 DQ and Family Video...then of course we 8 r ice cream and then we jumped on tha Trampoline and then we were bored 4 a while and then @ about 7 we went out and watched a movie on her Trampoline in tha dark. It was so much fun!!

then @ 3 Saturday morning we jumped on tha Trampline and then agen @ 6

then @ 11 we went 2 Amanda's softball game n Pitt was there and then we went 2 Leah's softball games and Pitt was there was Johnna n Dom. then tha catcher stopped breathing n tha Umpire didnt do ne thing...then Regina tackled a gurl.

Then after tha games Jesse was there and i still think he looks like and then Lauren turned in2 umbrella arm.

We got back 2 their house and i almost fell asleep...then we 8 sloppy joes and Jake came over. Then Me, Leah, Jake and Laurens mom played spoons...laurens mom lost first and then Jake dealed 2 her and she was playen agen and it was funny b cuz @ tha end me n her ended up w/ no spoons n so then shes like oops im not possta play...who delt 2 me?!?! lol then we played agen and i lost...lauren told me who she liked and so then i hadda keep it a secret n she thought i was goina tell and then she went away but i never told.

then laurens mom went 2 go get a movie and so then Leah Jake Lauren n me all went out on tha trampoline and we all tried 2 bounce eachother...then we laid there 4 like ever...then it started 2 rain and so lauren went n got 2 blankets so from left 2 right it was Jake, Leah, Lauren Me....n if me n Lauren would move away then we would sink in2 tha middle right up agenst those 2...then if lauren would move tha slitest bit then i would squish her b cuz i couldnt help it...then jake kicked my knee in tha exact spot and i started crying...but only a lil b cuz that hurts like hell...then lauren started jumping and it is pich black out and we r all almost a sleep...then she took tha blacket completely away from me...then i was freezing...then i was all wet and we all jest laid there 4 about an hour and then we went inside and made brownies....well jake did while me leah and lauren jest sat was funny b cuz he was doin everything and all tha gurls jest sat n watched...then we all sat there watching them n lauren on tha counter and leah n jake under us...then my blister was a fun night...then we went n watched 2 minutes of tha stupidest movie in tha world...idk tha name and i dont care....

then we woke up and n 8 breakfast...then lauren did her homework and i looked thru magazines and packed up my stuff...then we went and sat on tha deck "tanning" and then we took jake out and then we went in her back yard and looked @ tha cute puppy and then i tanned on her trampoline and then we 8 slushies and then left 4 chorus

~chorus was boring...i hadda get erika 2 chorus practice sum how b cuz Mrs. Bernsteen got her a cake 4 her birthday so i told her that she hadda come b cuz i hadda give her her birthday present and it was 2 big 2 bring 2 school and i already had it @ practice...then she came and we sang n then we 8 her fun fun...


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