Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Countdowns b cuz im bored:
♥ Erika n Garrett's 2 months: 1 day ♥
Emily's birthday: 2 weeks n 2 days!!! ((OMG YOUR GOING 2 B 17!!))
Spring Break: 3 weeks, 2 days left
Erika's birthday: 1 month 2 weeks n 5 days
Cassie: 1 month, 3 weeks, 4 days
Summer: 3 Months, 1 week n 1 day left
My Birthday: 4 months 2 weeks n 3 days
Memphis: 4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days
Mom: 4 months 1 day
Dad: 6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days
Taylor's birthday: 7 months, 3 weeks
Cooper: 9 montns, 1 week, 1 day
Jeb: 10 months, 2 weeks, 1 day
Sydney: 12 months

ya that was fun
Title: Good Bye February, Hello March!

well last night @ 9:01 Stormey calls my cell n shes like wuts erika's #? n i was like omg y? n she told me sum stuff n then i was about 2 give it 2 her n looked @ the clock....so i sed, "its 9:01 she cant talk after 9" n shes like omg 1 minute n i was like yep now i g2g....bye

Morning: woke up in a good mood b cuz....SARAH WON! n me n tay had fallen asleep on the pull out couch last night so we had alarm clocks ready in case that did happen.

bus(there is no longer a bus stop b cuz i time it PERFECT that right as i walk 2 the curb theres the bus): i just sat there n sang n cried wen "What hurts the most" came on

school: DAMN! Stormey n Sadie were fucken pissed @ eachother n then Stormey made me go talk 2 BJ

gym: badmittin, my partner 4 the tourney is....dun dun dun KRISTEN! n we both SUCK lol we lost the first one 7-2 n omg....won the second one 17-2 (it was against lauren so i made fun of her! :))

LA: tooka quiz n read

Algebra: gave the note 2 Trevor that EJ gave me n then we tooka test n i am like 99.9% positive that i gotta 100% b cuz i checked them all

FFL: tooka nother test....n omFg....if we failed this test then we dont getta cook next week.....n i am like sure that i failed it....so that made me sad

Computer: um............well ahnna asked if i really wrote about this class in my blog so i showed her it n ill show her this entry 2marow....lol n i filled out the thing in erikas blog....which was hard....

Lunch: omg...i was getting sooooooo pissed all the chics from the table behind us moved 2 our table n there is NO room! n so 2marow Brittany hasta give a speech b cuz she is the bitchy one....lol n im there 2 back her up....LmAo....n then matt kohls came by us n i was screaming b cuz he was really close 2 me

History: lol cody thinks we r goina getta F if we dont sit....it was pretty funny!

Study hall: wow those boys @ my table! i now hava notebook w/ sammie n im goina get one of me n britt. omg her n her bfs 2 year anniversary is coming up on the 17!!!!

Science: idk i wasnt paying attention

bus: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell brittany, sean, n other ppl were throwing apples @ me....WOW thats low!

now: nothing

later: shopping

(sydney didnt save me a rice krispie treat :'( that makes me sad!!)
HAPPY FAT TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*HA HA so garrett doesnt kno wut fat tuesday is!?*
its a tradition in my family, if sum1 hassa b-day i make them a Happy Birthday screen saver on their account....i should get that done!!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

ok well 2day sucked.....4 no specific reason but thats the way it goes w/ haven this...

u kno wut i havent had in a while....a title!

Title: You look cute w/ that makeup!

morning: well i thought it looked cute yesterday so i put on the makeup i put on yesterday....n @ school got TONS of compliments on it!!

bus: um.........sat there n sang of course....o n talked about how em works a t-line cafe, n rik @ t-line n me mayb @ LJ n Cass mayb @ JJ....n wen i was talkin about it i sed "My best friend works @ Townline Cafe" n kyla goes...."STORMEY WORKS @ TOWNLINE CAFE?!" I was like omg....u think shes my best friend.....ur kidding right? WOW....

school: me n stormey waited 4 Brandon n yes Bjorkman. n its maken me sick b cuz of course he likes her n im sick of him.....HES LIKED LIKE ALMOST ALL OF MY FRIENDS!! N i kno another secret about Stormey STORMEY OFFICIALLY KNOS RYAN! lol n he likes her....NO DUH! HIM N BRANDON LIKE EVERY GIRL (cept brandon never liked me....o well)

Gym: O MY FUCKING GOD, erika is right, i shoulda just went 2 inschool.....im not goina put down my time b cuz its REALLY bad n im only goina tell ppl that i trust wont make fun of me....ppl that kno how i am n kno im alwaiz last lol

LA: i was soooooooooooooooooo quiet; we read the book

Algebra: i got -4....o well....OMG....Trevor wouldnt leave me alone about Emily....MY EFFING GOD! HE SOO LIKES HER....hey dork!!! ASK HER OUT! it will get her mind of dushbag

FFL: we hava test 2marow w/ 70?s on it.....

Computer: lol Jaron lost his phone n thought that sum1 stole it in Gym....so im like ill call it b cuz it was on vibrate so i do.....n then my phone sed i couldnt call it b cuz he was outta minutes....so hes like text it. so i did....n i sed Hi....n 4got about my signature that was on it so hes like ah shit sum1 did steal it. n then hes like....ha ha ha its in my pocket....lol wutta dork. so he checks his messages n mine says "Hi, Morgan luvs you" b cuz i 4got that my signature was Morgan luvs you....lol oops....n then me n ahnna looked @ icons. i wanted 2 show her mine but i couldnt find it

Lunch: wow i was a LIL hungry....lol i bought missy lunch....i still gotta talk 2 her about that one thing

History: um....went over the test....i did HORRIBLE

Study hall: TRIED 2 write Emily a note but Robert, Paul, Andy, Andy n Tim were annoying me n kept talkin 2 me....i got 2 writing her like 1 page.....Kelly n Mercades sed they loved my makeup n earrings

Science: watched a corny video (lol thats wut mrs. reed sed) n i wrote the rest of ems note.

bus: just sat there...was kinda sad

now: doing my history, LA, Algebra n Science homework, they r all really easy n short

later: nothing, call me we can do sumthing, i wanna go see a movie.....or sum1 can come over or sumthing, i wanna do sumthing; mayb Emily n i can do sumthing

Sunday, February 26, 2006

ok well my weekend

yesterday. nothing really...i ended up not going 2 the game 4 a couple reasons n syd had her family party

got up, packed n left went 2 church, n i went thru 3/4 of church thinking no one i knew was around me. n then i turned around @ the peace n sitting right behind me was Mark Mader. OMFG....he is soooooooooooooo hot! N he looked @ me n hes like "peace Morgan" n i sed peace n then it made my day wen he sed "you look amazing" i was like SCREAMING inside!!! I accually thought i looked horrible

then we had soccer practice n i ran 5 laps n then ran around the school once....i was soooooooooooooo cold! but i am not ready 4 2marow @ all....n i bought a gatorade n drank it all in one sitting so i went n got 2 more....he he he....then me n Reanne talked about Ross.....i cant wait 2 c him agen....

then we went 2 Piggly Wiggly n just got a bunch of stuff 4 dinner

i did my homework

now Kathy n Kylie r hear 4 dinner

fun fun fun

♥ Hott Stuff ♥

Saturday, February 25, 2006

ok well im bored so im goina post

earlier 2day i did ALOT of work on my myspace....i just took alot out, im goina mess around w/ it more later

@ 4:30 im goin 2 the BP vs P freshman girls STATE basketball game...i cant wait....its goina b alotta fun!

http://www.people%20of.the%20chat%20room.youaremighty.com <<>

now lucas jsut called me a hoe.....n now he says i havta watch this http://morgan.herman.youaremighty.com/

ya hes weird
History: um went over the test n nothing really

Study hall: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the kids @ my table r soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo immature

Science: OMG....put a penny on ur elbow n swing your arm around n catch the penny w/ your hand....i cant even get one fricken penny, CARRIE GOT 34!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG

after school: brandon n garrett were walkin behind me n i didnt figure it out til Chris waved @ em n i turned around....n i was like ooooooooooooooo wow....n then i found out that sum loser put their lock on brandons lockers....so while he went 2 the office i talked 2 garrett....n just wut i thought, he thinks i started the rumors; ya cuz u kno my goal in life is 2 make eriak n garrett miserable....*sigh* my god


went home got ready n left, we went 2 shopko n i found the CUTEST purse EVER n it was on clearence $1.49 n i wanted my mom 2 get it 4 me but she wouldnt get off the god damn phone

then we dropped syd off n went 2 SJB

the dance: Well lets start out w/ MACALL BIEBLE is a S L U T! W/ a capital S-L-U-T. Wen i got there i got a HUGE hug from Lukas. God i LOVE his hugs!!! n then i followed him around 4 like 2 minutes while we talked n then i found tay so 2 annoy her i went n st w/ her n she left so i played bingo w/ anna hannah n kirsten. n then i gotta BINGO n i gave it 2 hannah. n than i went in the gym n lukas wanted me 2 2 limbo....so i did n he was afraid i was goina get out first so lukas got out 1st 4 me....lol wutta loving brother...OMG STUART KWATERSKI IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!! n then i went outside n walked around town n then i talked 2 allyson....SHE IS MOVING 2 ITALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n then i hadda leave ((alot happened but i dont member it))

we went 2 drop alyssa off @ home n we all went in the house w/ her...wen i walked in Angela got up n jumped on me n gave me a hug n then so did Haylee. n then i go syd do i get one from you.....nope.....wutta mean sister.....n i go....ya angela is my favorite sister i guess!!!! n she didnt care

now: talkin 2 Trevor n waiting 4 sum1 thats a freshman from BP or pulaski 2 come on

later: watchen tv n goin 2 bed n showering

2marow: goin 2 the game BP vs. PULASKI!!!!! freshman girls state game!!!! aahh i cant wait....i wonder if Ryan will go.....that will b weird....i havent seen that ass since homecoming

Friday, February 24, 2006

OMG...2day was a pretty good day...

morning: GOD i didnt wanna get outta bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bus stop: talked 2 Jared n his mom about how its goina snow more, alyssa was sick so she wasnt there SKIPPER! (u kno wut i shouldnt be talking, i just did that yesterday)

bus: sang n bitched @ Liz n DJ 4 not riding the bus last night, they both sed they hadda work *psh* lol jk jk jk

school: i was being mean n i wouldnt go upstairs w/ stormey

gym: wasnt that bad. me n steph were partners, lauren wasnt there n amanda skipped

La: OMG....this sounds like an interesting book, i was kinda depressed in this class....*sigh*

Algebra: me n trevor talked about emily agen

FFL: um...............................................took notes n watched unwrapped...YUM! it was about ice cream this time

Computer: OMG....i went 2 erika's blog n showed ahnna ALL the pictures....n then i recruited Jaron n Chris n wen we got 2 the pics of Rika's party during the summer Chris is like "HEY ITS V!!!!" n i was like ya i kno. n OMG that pic of all the guys in the pool....AAWWW i could just melt. tat is a hot picture!

lunch: lol "chance move your fat ass!" lmao

ill finish the rest later.....the kids r home

o n later im goin 2 Townline and Townline cafe 2 visit my 2 favorite ppl

Thursday, February 23, 2006

wutta short n sweet day

morning: i woke up n i couldnt breathe or talk so i went n told my mom (yes i did just say i couldnt talk n then sed i told my mom) she couldnt hear me so i wrote it down n then she called me in sick n then i went back 2 bed n then @ 1/4 ta 8 i woke up n i was fine. so i told my mom n shes like well i hava migrain so ill take u 2 school later so i waited n i fell asleep on the couch n then she was ready 2 go n since i was asleep she went back 2 bed n then @ like 10:30 we went n ran arrons n then she brought me 2 school

Lunch: lol soo many ppl sit @ our table. me n brittany shated a seat, jennifer n kyla did n chance was kneeling....n then they were being sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mean 2 chance....i was like omg everyone shut the fuck up!

History: Mrs. Taylor wasnt there so Mrs. Remel subbed....god i hate her

Study hall: GOD i hate that Robert kid....hes like u like all guys wearnig a red shirt. Well there were 4 guys wearing red shirts n they were all freshman....that i knew, Jaron, Cody, James, and Brandon. Well Brandon wanlks by n hes like Morgan likes you. so now he wont talk 2 me....I HATE YOU ROBERT!

Science: We got our tests back n then just talked.....me carrie n molly r so loud! lol

bus: WOW...john rode the bus....alyssa didnt....ok try this agen....NONE of the girls did but me. So it was me John, Garrett, Jared, Ken and Brad......fuuuuun, n then we were talkin about Garrett vagina n Erikas penis....wow ya....n then garrett got off w/ John n then Brad got off like b4 them n then Ken so it was just me n Jared.....G R E A T! not fun!

now: talkin 2 cassie n Emily....who thinks Emily is pretty? i do but she doesnt....:'(

later: Kelly, Taylor n Logan r coming over

call if ya need me

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

well @ the moment im pissed off b cuz apperently everyone on my bus hates me except Alyssa n DJ n im sick of all of em

morning: i woke up 2 minutes b4 my alarm went off n so i set it 4 another 15 minutes b cuz i swear i was goina die if i didnt sleep more

bus stop: tension between me n Jared of course

bus: i am really really really really really goina kill Jared

school: i STILL cant believe she did that! Well it was Sadie's b-day n she was upset b cuz she misses South West so me n her were goina sneak off n skip the whole day of school n go 2 South West. n O M G James is a jerk! He 4got his own gf's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gym: I swear this cold is detroying me. o n O GOD u gotta love Cassie. "let the force be with you strong" " the force of the holy spirit"

LA: aahh i have sucha crush on him!

Algebra: i did bad on the assignment n i talked 2 Trevor about Emily agen

FFL: wow fun fun fun, we hadda turn in our projects (ours was horrible, accually Jessica did all of it b cuz she wouldnt let me do ne of it n it was good but i hadda pretend like i did it so i sed it was bad. lol it was accually really good) n we hadda do a project. we hadda pick partners agen n then we hadda combine w/ another group. Well me Jessica n Danielle were all 2gether b cuz its an uneven # n so Matt Malcore got stuck w/ us n we hadda cook. Wow...hes a cutie but hes as dumb as a rock. :) :) :) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO n i totally 4got Samantha Anderson i LOVE you! She gave me a stuff dog n its black n it looks exactly like Rika's dog.....its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Computer: uh....ya, im passing that class....lmao

Lunch: omg wutta bunch of bitches....my normal table kicked me off so sum really ugly lesbian chick could sit with us. n so i went n sat w/ Sadie n the Sophmores, n the vice principal came n sang happy birthday 2 her.

History: handed in our projects, got our quizzes back n read this thing about pistols

Study hall: wrote notes back n forth w./ sammie n um......sat there staring in space, i was trien 2 write emily a note but.....ya that didnt work

Science: watched Citlin on tv n then tooka test

after school: went n gave mrs. taylor part of my project

bus: ya i drink pepsi all the time....GET OVER IT; n ya i wore pink so im a pig o n i dont hava upper lip. n my new nickname is fatass, grrrrret o n i 4get 2 say that i HATE everyone on my bus cept 4 Alyssa n DJ. Which works 4 me b cuz the rest of em hate me neways

after school: talked 2 ppl....

now: talkin 2 Andy n Cassie....OMFG NATE IS COMING 2 MY SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aahh damn it!

well ya

im home alone til about 8. call if ya need me...i wanna go 2 T line cafe n visit my bestest friend :'( but i cant b cuz she gets done w/ work @ 8 n no one is home til 8....sad sad sad....o well mayb next time
3 OuT oF 6 Of ThE cOlOrS oF lOvE aRe StIiL oN mY aRm!
LOL love ya jess!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Ok heres the long post we all knew was coming

nothing @ school out of the ordinary

after school me n stormey walked 2 her house 2 get her stuff n it was a fricken blizzard out there! We were soo cold. When we got back we went n waited in the school n Carrie was there n she was talkin about John n Holly n then John walked in so i go CARRIE wut r u doing this weekend n she kept talkin so i go UUUUUUHHHHHEEEEEEEMMMMM really loud so u couldnt hear her n then she truned around n saw him n i go ok dad lets go b4 i embaress myself more n then i knew he felt uncomfortable b cuz then he just left. Then Holly came in n we talked 2 her about it, poor guy. My dad came n got us n we left. When we got there we went seimming right away. After swimming me n stormey took showers n then watched TV n 8 pizza. Then she mooned me....niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. So we just hung out @ the "hotel" the whole night. We played uno and watched a movie, i fell asleep @ like 9 n Tay n Stormey woke me up @ 9:30. N then @ like 12 we all went sleeping. n omg...my pants were 2 big so i pulled em up n my nails dug in2 me n it was bleeding really bad....lmao it was so funny, now i hava scar on my side n its all red still.

we woke up @ 7:30. @ 8:30 the faminly left and me n stormey were there by ourselves. Me n her played uno n then went swimming from 9:25-10:10. ya only 45 n then @ 11:30 we started playing Uno n didnt stop til the family got back @ 1:45. They brought along Angela, Keri, Alyssa C, ALyssa M, Jessica, and Racheal. FUN FUN FUN!!! We all went swimming n we hadda lotta fun, me n Ange played the color game. i love that game. but she cant hold me like i did 2 her so she just splashed my face. Then these hott guys came n me n Stormey were flirting w/ them. After that we hadda go 2 church. WOW that was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny. We had 12 kids n 2 adults. The seating was Kylie, Alyssa, Taylor, Stormey, Me, Angela, Cooper (yes angela sat w/ the family part, y? idk) n then in the back row it went Racheal, Alyssa, Jessica, Keri, Sydney, Kathy, my dad, wen we walked in EVERYONE stared @ us n i couldnt help but laugh really hard. lol After church we went back 2 the "hotel" n everyone 8 hot dogs n ice cream cake. My mom was accually on time and there i gave her a HUGE hug n i stayed by her b cuz i missed her so much n from church on Stormey pretty much ignored me. N then b4 we opened presents all the kids that sydney brought 4 her party all decided 2 sit on me so we tooka picture, thanx guys, luv ya 2! Syd got the best presents ever, um ya im pretty shure i will b stealing the dog i ♥ it SoOoOoOoO much!! Its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fricken cute!After presents we went swimming agen n me n Angela played the color game agen. She really loves that game. N after talkin 2 her n playen w/ her i went n sat by my dad n Kathy n talked 2 them about how all the kids there all looked alike in some very interesting way. Lol that was fun. Then we did the triple, thats where my dad is on the bottom n then we put sum1 else on his shoulders n then sum1 on that persons shoulders, well i was in the middle n then Angela was on top n obviously Tay n Alys heard sum girl telling her mom about it, this is wut the lil girl sed. "mom did you see that? They had 3 ppl on the ppls shuolders, it was a dad, a mom n then the kid on the top!" wen they told me that i just started laughing, everyone thinks i am my dads wife. n then after i did it w/ angela me n kylie did it. then me n stromey did a chicken fight w/ tay n Alyssa C. ALyssa n Stormey won. lolthen my dad n i got outta the pool n kathy tried 2 do it. w/ i think it was Taylor n ALyssa M but idk. Then i went n tooka shower, well was goina but u kno lil 9/10 year olds.....ya im not goin 2in that. When we were leaving Scott came in. So we tlaked 2 him n told him 2 go swimming in the morning. Me Tay, ALys C n Kylie went in our room n watched TV n then stormey came in 2 start bitching @ us 4 SUMTHING so we all put ear plugs in n ignored her.

*<><>*Sunday *<><>*
We woke up @ like 9ish n 8 chocolate chip pancakes. Then we went swimming 4 a while. After that we all piled in2 the cars n left. We got home n waited 2 Ange's mom 2 come (b cuz she alwaiz late he he he, w/ that family they r never on time right erika? lol) so angela helped me carry my stuff downstairs, wutta sweetie n then i showed her all the pics of her n Erika n Lukas that i had. Then her momma came n we wnt in n 8 lunch. My dad then had soccer prcatice so we all went n it was @ BP so i showed Kylie n Syd my locker n we went thru the boys locker room. fun fun fun. After practice all the kids went back 2 Kathy's house n my dad n i went back home n i went down stairs n wrote in my journal n krimped my hair. Then i went upstairs n my dad let me have the computer 4 an hour n a 1/2. YAY n then Kathy brought the kids back n they stayed 4 dinner. Then we played more uno n then watched Desperate Houswives and Grey's Anatomy. N then i cried myself 2 sleep b cuz i was scared of the next morning. ya 4 u that kno, im not over it

Um.............well lets c. I woke up n krimped my hair agen so it looked good (obviously it did b cuz i got ALOT of compliments on it during the day). B4 school started i was crien n Emily saw me so she gave me a hug 4 like 5 minutes. i LOVE her sooooooooooooooooooooooo damn much! In Gym we hadda run/walk. YUCK! IN LA we read a story about a cyclops. Algebra nothing @ all really. FFL we got our parnets 4 the project, i have Jessica, ya um....im a pretty sure i ABSOLUTLY LOVE that girl 2 death! We have blue which is electrical shocks....now wut rhymes w/ Shock? Now EVERYONE thought of that one word. lol ya u kno wut i mean. in computer OMG...i have absolutly fallen in love w/ Jaron's writing (no i havent fallen in love w/ him, just his writing) @ lunch i was being a TOTAL bitch, i was not happy. In History uh...we just worked on stuff. Study hall was pretty boring n i had SUCHA BAD MIGRAIN n my throat was sooo sore i couldnt get sumthing 2 drink b cuz i didnt have ne money, n i was goina cry. in Science, i didnt really listen but @ the top of my notebook i was counting down til we got out. After school, i walked around w/ Alyssa n then on the bus we were talkin about how im young n Garrett n BJ were sitten 2gether, heres the convo
Garrett: BRANDON we will b having sex b4 moregan gets her licences
Morgan: o thanx garrett
Brandon: *looks @ garrett w/ the eyebrow thing everyone can do* y wait, we could do it now
Brandon: ok ya im goina just shut up now
Everyone bursted out laughing hystically
When i got home i was so sick that i poured out my heart in my xanga n then i went n slept on the couch n wut woke me up was my dad came 2 drop off my stuff n he BROUGHT MY DOG!!! aaww i missed him soo much b cuz i hadnt seen him since Thursday night b cuz we hadda bring him 2 the vet 4 his weekend away n we were 2 late on sunday 2 get him so they hadda keep him 4 one more day so i FINALY got 2 c him, i love that dog more than ne1 will ever kno!!! n then i watched Bacholer n went 2 bed b cuz Emily sed i hadda b cuz i hadda go 2 school the next day

Morning: sat on my bed n decided if i was goina go 2 school or not.....ya i decided i would

bus stop: nothing really

bus: talked i guess

school: walked w/ Stormey

Gym:we tooka softball test....n tehn started....dun dun dun BADMITTIN!!!! LOL THE BIRDIE!! :)
LA: watched the movie about the cyclops n then we havta draw sirens
Algebra: wow i love that class, me n trevor were talkin about emily the time
FFL: WOW...Jess dumped Josh n he wont leave her the hell alone, wenever i c her he is w/ her. I love jess more than ne1 will ever kno. We came up w/ 4 our rhyme "Cover your outlits w/ blocks so you dont get shocks" but i dont like it. she wouldnt let me do nething! lol
Computer; i was kinda just quiet, ya me i was quiet it is possible
lunch: chance was mad....i hate wen ppl rnt talkin it makes me feel bad
history: nothing
Study hall: mrs. remel wasnt there but the lady that subed was kinda invasive
science: idk we corrected our stuff n talked about growth spurts n how everyone broke up last night, lol
bus: Brandon told me 2 go cut myself....niiiice n then me Jared n Alyssa were talkin about fat n i go as long as i am skinnier than Eddie i am happy n Garrett goes "says the chic that looks like a big purple plum," i was like omg ok w/e...i dont even kno wut his issue is but im just goina leave him alone like i sed i woul
now: talkin 2 brandon Robertson, aahh he helps me feel better
later: doin my history project and algebra

Monday, February 20, 2006

Barbie Girl
Im a Barbie Girl
In a plastic world
Iife's fantastic
My boobs r plastic
My hair is really long
I also wear a thong
I cant move
So put me in the nuuude
Come on Barbie Lets go party
oooo ya
Come on Barbie Lets go party
o wow o wow
You can make me strip
Rip Rip RIp Rip RIp RIp RIp
Undress me everywhere
Dont stop @ my underwear
We can go skinning dipping
When i am stripping
Come on Barbie Lets go party
oooo ya

Come on Barbie Lets go party
o wow o wow
Its your creation
Use your imagination
Now the song is done
SO gimmie a gun
Ill shoot my head
While youre in bed

Written mostly by Taylor Herman w/ help from Morgan n Cooper!!
Oh wow

Jaron hadda write love poems 4 LA class n there is this one that i LOVE it is so sweet

What would you do for a girl that has everything
Make the beautiful starry night twinkle just for her
inspire the burds to serenade the clouds
with their wonderful melody
set her heart on fire with your loving whipers
calm her gentle soul with your loving affection
stop time and space to steal a soft kiss from her
recite your most corniest jokes
just to see her adorable smile
Hug her just a little bit tighter
when the cold wind blows
protect her with your strenght
cherish her dreams and hopes
fight away her nightmares and fears
show her you love her passionately as if there was no tomorrow
But most importantly what you do
is never leave her side.
isnt that sooooooooooo sweet? i love it!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


1. Give me your number?
2. Have sex with me?
3. Let me kiss you?
4. Watch a movie with me...even a really sappy one?
5. Let me take you out to dinner?
6. Drive me somewhere/anywhere?
7. Take a shower with me?
8. Be my gf/bf?
9. Have a fling with me?
10. Listen to me if I called you crying even if you were out with all of your friends?
11. Buy me a drink if i didnt have money?
12. Take me home for the night?
13. Would you let me sleep in your bed?
14. Sing kareoke w/ me?
15. Sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone?
16. Re-post this for me to answer your questions?
17. Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?
18. Do you think im pretty, beautiful, or hot?
19. Do you like my style?
20. Do you think im funny?
21. Do you care about me?
22. Would you cry if i died?
23. Would you stop me if i tried to commit suicide?
24. Would you dance with me?
25. Would you sing happy birthday to me?
27. Would u marry me?
28. 69 me?
29. Do me in a public place?
30. Bring me home and do me in your bed?
31. Take advantage of me if I was drunk?
32. Take advantage of me if i wasn't drunk?
33. Let me strip for you?
34. Let me give you a lap dance?
35. Skinny dip with me?

email me ur answers daddysangel@new.rr.com or comment em on my myspace if u want
omg...this weekend was an unexpected turnout. it wasnt the worst but it wasnt the best

i cant write about it now but it was a pretty interesting weekend


neways....i love syd's bday presents!!!! specially the dog

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My face hurts..I think it's from all of the fake smiles & laughter. My head hurts..from going around in circles as to why I hate myself so much. My arms hurt..cus I can't stop cutting away at the veins. My legs hurt..from running away from my unsolved problems. My eyes hurt..from crying myself to sleep night after night. My hands hurt...from praying to God that this feeling will go away someday. My throat hurts...from all of this screaming inside of me. My whole body aches in pain & I don't understand why. All of these things I can handle, but the worst hurt of all is the one in my heart. cus the pain in my heart is the one that won't ever go away. That is the pain that I'm stuck with. the heart of a girl who is barely alive.. while no one even notices

neways....this is goina suck, i am goina D I E 2marow in study hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok since we hava snow day 2day, 2marow is block, which means my last class of the day is Study hall 4 AN HOUR N A HALF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n i would go home b4 it but Stormey has math n Eric is in her math so shes not goina wanna leave. Well....Sammie will keep me company, ill just sit there n act like nothings happening n wen the bell rings get ready 4 sum1 2 scream really LOUD! OMG....

x or ? lol

Emily i love you! Dont cry!!!!!! I kno how hard it is 2 not think of sum1.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ok ya now Steph n Holly r best friends agen.....thats so sweet, it made me cry, i love you gurls so much n im glad ur friends agen!!!
ok well ya so i went swimming

Alagebra we tooka test

Computer: im pretty sure i love jaron more than nething! He is the best!!! Chris wasnt there so i sat by Jaron n shared his book n he alwaiz lets me copy his answers, wutta sweetie!!! N then we corrected the test i got -10 n he got -13.....so i felt special

Lunch: I LOVE HOLLY AHNNA STEPHANIE N ERIC! lol.....they r soo funny!

Science: BORING

Bus: talked 2 Kelly about Em.....

now: nothing

later: GIFT....ya....thats goina b interesting b cuz im fine.

i was in a good mood til i realized that i was goin 2 GIFT n my mood went down


Well swimming didnt end up as bad as i thought it would b. It was accually pretty fun cept 4 the fact that i cant do breaststroke or butterfly! lmao....we got free time n i LOVE swimming (just not 4 gym) n so me Kate n Steph were the last ones in the pool while everyone else hadda go n blow dry their hair n put on makeup ( I THINK THAT IS SOO DUMB) neways ya after a while we got on n took our showers n i still smell like cholrine but it was alotta fun. On the walk back i felt like a barbie doll.....my hair was frozen so it was like plastic. lol n then wen we got back Emily found me n gave me a 3 1/2 page note n a late valentine that was so big it wont fit on my notebook. :'( o well ill hang it in my locker, speaking of locker, ya my "noticeable bag" wouldnt fit in my locker!!! lmao yes i hadda bag that was zebra print u dont like it, GET OVER IT. So ya it wouldnt fit. N then Emily's note started out w/ To: The bestest friend ill ever have From: confused n lonely. Now that made me feel SO good, like sum1 accually wants me here n needs me around. I LOVE YOU EMILY JANE JOHNSON!!!! So then i wrote her a note back. N its not done yet but im goina beat her 3 1/2 pages. Ive done it b4, wen she didnt gimmie a note, i just talked about stuff goin on. now i can do that n talk about the stuff in her note. One time i wrote my life story. lmao it took um......................9 pages front n back. FUN FUN FUN

Now me n Jaron r just surfing the internet, chris isnt here....but u kno wut....i dont care....:)
OMG...i am SO excited 4 this weekend!!!

Ok well my day was pretty good n i gotta valentine!! ;-)

Morning: woke up n put on the CUTEST outfit

bus: Kyla gave me seasonal hearts!!

school: aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww i LOVE you Stephanie Lynn Shelbrack!! You are the sweetest girl ever. n then i found Stormey, Eric was @ her locker, me n Eric hadda private meeting i made Stormey go upstairs, she caught on, she went downstairs n started crien b cuz he decorated the inside of her locker n he got her a bunch of lil beanie baby bears n a seroogy's bar n all buncha stuff

Gym: i 4got 2 take off most of my jewlery....lol oops n i only ran one lap b cuz i cheated....once agen....oops, we listened 2 awesome music

LA: finished my Valentine 4 Mrs. U n then i taped all the valentines i got 2 my notebook (from steph, stormey, n mrs. U)

Algebra: OMG that maturity level.....lol....adam wouldnt stop farting so Mrs. N is like ya i cant send you 2 inschool it wuldnt look good on the referral "Sent 2 inschool 4 farting" lmao

FFL: OMFG....me n jenna were maken fun of the sub the WHOLE time...she wouldnt fucken shut up! n then i told Jenna the signifacance of y i love seasonal hearts.

Computer: tooka test n then me Ahnna went 2 seventeen.com n took a bunch of fashion quizzes

Lunch: I LOVE YOU CHANCE!! lol hes my valentine! Mercades came up behind me n scared the shit outta me by putten her hands over my eyes n then she gave me my valentine! I LOVE HER!

History: um....idk? o i member!! HOLY SHIT....dont cum love w/ me in the wilderness, i think the three most important things r, a bed, a rifle and a mirrior. n then if the wagon got 2 heavy i would throw out the bible. n then me n andy....wow....we think the 3 most important things r a stool a bed n a bible....get hungry eat the bible....LMAO u hadda b there

Study hall: me n tiff omg...we r goina get in sooooooo much trouble; i 8 a bunch of chocolate

Science: well rnt i lucky? we hadda spil up in2 3 groups 2 w/ 7 ppl and 1 w/ 8.....welllllllllllllllllll i was w/ Dillion, Kevin, Machilia, Tyler, Sam, and uh....o Tavi....(yes me n 6 guys....uhm.....sounds familiar) i hadda lotta fun w/ them

after school: i accually saw garrett cuz i never c him the week i go 2 my dads...neways....ya....he was talkin on n on about erika of course, im glad they got 2 c eachother.

bus: nothing really....steph wasnt on so i couldnt give her a hug ( I GOT SOOOOOOOOOOO MANY HUGS 2DAY YAY!)

home: nothing really...played outside w/ the sibs

8 dinner

wrestling: HOT HOT HOT wrestling guys!! YES! lol

then we went 2 Kathy's n everyone was soooooooooooooo high on sugar we were stamping our faces w/ stamps....ya....im dumb get over it!


Love ya Chance my valentine!!

2marow: GIFT, gotta talk 2 BJ; n swimming 4 Gym...SHIT...I DONT WANNA!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


ok ya.....i am NEVER goin out there agen. I was on the ice w/ my sibs n we were "snowboarding" on a sled over on the pond by my house (me n my sibs were bored n they do it all the time) n i tried it n i fell once n then i got up n did it agen but i fell agen n this time i fell backwards n landed on my ankle so now i can hardly walk....n it hurts SOO bad.....i get sharp pains like every 5 minutes n i wanna cry really bad. but im surprised....i havent yet.

ya 2day sucked but i tried 2 make the best of it.....

i threw up in gym agen n i was about 2 faint but they wouldnt let me go home....

@ lunch i was STARVING....n i give ppl food all the time n i didnt have ne money n of course chance was being an ass, he bought himself 2 cookies n couldnt get me nething so brittany gave me these tiny choco chip cookies....

ya there was alot more

good news. im not grounded ne more.....so yay!!!

ya...2marow is Valentines day.....i have never hadda bf on valentines day......n this year i dont either....n im missing sumthing else 2.....life sux ass


Monday, February 13, 2006

Random Fact of the day: The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

HA HA...NO ITS NOT! ((total inside joke))

ud havta b me erika or garrett 2 get it
Random Fact of the day: The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

HA HA...NO ITS NOT! ((total inside joke))

ud havta b me erika or garrett 2 get it

Sunday, February 12, 2006

OMG...im sick of this....my entire family has gone spazmatic on me this weekend. Everyone has been trien 2 tell me that i need 2 control my anger n that they love me n want me 2 b a good person. Ok ya 2 u it might sound nice, n yes i appericate it but, theres ALOT goin on in my life right now, sum that my mom doesnt even kno, n haven depression doesnt help. So wen they r telling me that i need 2 control my anger, im only angry b cuz my family says they care but wen i need them they rnt there....n i cant go 2 my other family ne more.....so idk wut 2 do n i cant control my anger, once my depression kicks in....i cant control it.
OMG...ok i just found out that

Alyse n Chlc kno eachother....WWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, well only b cuz alsye is my neighbor n we have Gym 2gether 1st hour....n since she knos Chlc....i think thats really cool!! ok ya im prolly overreacting n its no big deal but i think thats cool!

Almost as weird as my friend Kelly went 2 Germany n there was a guy there n he was like a tourist guy n she was talkin 2 him n he asked her where she was from n wen she sed Green Bay hes like o, well there is this one guy that lives in Ohio, Andy Mader n he usta have a house right behind mine. N shes like OMG...he moved 2 Green Bay n goes 2 my school....I THINK THAT IS SOO WEIRD!!!

Ok ya, im done....lol
mY gOd ThE nErVe SoMe BiTcHeS hAvE!!!!
ok change in plans

Thursday: goin 2 school, babysitting n then @ around 5 goin 2 Trivers (Erika's word, well everyone says it like that but i got the idea from Erika) n checken in2 our house/condo, Kathy n Kylie r comin @ around 8 n spending the night there b cuz Kylie doesnt have school on Friday.....n we r goina hang out w/ them til about 9 n then leave so we get home @ 9:30....n then goin 2 bed n then ya Friday (I STILL FEEL BAD!!)

so ya im missing the meeting which i am accually dissapointed about....bcuz i was looken 4ward 2 it.o well

ya in case you couldnt tell...i hadda HORRIBLE weekend
ok well...i guess ill post

im maken a pizza right now....yes i am maken a pizza this early in the morning, (idk wut time the thing is goina say that i posted it but it is 2:57)

ok ya yesterday

got up @ like 10 n went on the puter n talked 2 uhm.....i dont member lol then @ about 11ish i went n got dressed n did my hair, after that everyone got hom from tays soccer game (ya i dont go b cuz i hate gettin up that early on a weekend n if my body lets me sleep....DONT EVEN TRY 2 wake me up) so they got home n all of them took showers while i just went on the puter, then @ about 1 we went 2 the mall. The first thing we did was eat. but wen we were int he parking lot....lmao....this one lady was waiting 4 this person 2 backout so that she could have their spot. well there was like 4 cars behind her beeping their horns so me alyssa (Caelwearts) got out n started saying beep just 2 make fun of the cars....so then this one car does a really long beep n taylor goes....BEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP UP YOURS! n the person had their window open n heard her, i seriosuly thought was goina kill her....lol so we got in2 the store n me n alysa started cracking up. it was soo funny, so ya we 8, of course i got chilli cheese fries. n this kid behind me in line, i SWEAR was andy i was like really really sure it was....but i didnt getta ask him ne ?s b cuz they were ready 2 take my order n then they got me my food like right away. after we 8, we split. n i was sitting down over by younkers n this really ugly guy who was about my age n his dad came up n saton the couch n the dad goes ok im goina go in this store u sit here, n he sets down a bag n goes ok im goina leave your candy right here n sit up straight, i hadda eet up n leave b4 i laughed in front of them, so i went n sat down by Old Navy n these ppl came up n they're like we r doing a picture scavenger hunt, would u mind taken our picture? i was like sure, so i did it, it was a cute picture....n then jordan etner walked by w/ Ben Kieken, n 2 other guys....aahh Jordan is really hot. n then i got up n walked around more, found THE cutest shirts @ DEB...2 bad im like $123 dollars in dept....oops....n then i saw tay n alyssa n they went n got their pictures taken in that picture sticker thing, n ther was me n lauren, me n tay, me n syd, n me n syd n tay.....but i guess me n erika never put one of em up there....then i went n sat by the food court 2 wait 4 my fam. welllllllllllllll all of the sudden from behind me i hear CATCH HIM! n sum1 running so i turn around 2 c 2 feet from my chair this black guy grab another one n then a police man...i was like HOLY SHIT...wow....n then i found tay n alyssa agen n we went n found the fam n i heard about exactly wut happened b cuz it was wierd....tay n aly were in the store he shoplifted from, my aunt n syd were in the middle of the store n my chair so they saw him running n wut he had n then i saw him get arressted....so wut happened was....he had shoplifted a watch, took it outta the box ( b cuz the tag thing that can tell if u payed for it or not is on the box) n then grabbed the watch n ran.....as he was running the other black guy saw him take the watch n ran after him n then ya he got arressted....it was fucken scary. we got home n everyone left cept me, tay went 2 go babysit morgans brother syd n coop went 2 my aunts n my mom 2 kellys....n i was goina have emily over but she hadda do sumthin 4 church so she couldnt....n my mom told me that im not allowed 2 ever b home by myself nemore; like i can b home by myself i hava friend w/ me but all alone im not allowed if u dont kno y, figure it out, so i called my mom...n lets say that my mom n i have been crying 4 like 4 hours now n r about 2 KILL eachother

OMG...i am SO excited 4 next weekend; a weekend away from home is EXACTLY wut i need, ok syd is haven her b-day party next weekend n we r goin 2 Two Rivers where we stay 4 spring break @ the Fox Hills resort ( LOVE THAT PLACE) syd has 5 girls coming; well she invited 5 girls....the girls i kno 4 sure that she invited r Katie, Jessica, Angela, Racheal, n then i think mayb it was Cassie but im not sure on that....n me n tay each getta bring a friend, well i feel bad....but i think it might have been a good decision ; i invited Stormey. We r leaven RIGHT after school on Friday...n then Kwaterski's n mayb salshiders r coming 2 hang out 4 the night. then Saturday my dad has soccer in the morning so taylor, aubrey, cooper, sydney n my dad r goin 2 GB 4 the day, well first part of the day...n then me n Stormey r goina hang out @ the pool n in our "house" n then my dad is bringing syd, tay, coop, kathy, kylie and the girls 4 syds party back n then we r goina swim i think n then cake n ice cream w/ my mom n kelly n my aunt. n then stuff saturday night n then on sunday eating n cleaning n then leaving...OMG I CANT WAIT!!

o n by the way, my pizza turned out GREAT!!!!

My week:
Monday: school goin back 2 dads YIKES! :-/
Tuesday: school, nothing
Wednesady: school, GIFT....uhm...that is goina b SOOO interesting
Thursday: mayb school, meeting @ 6:30
Friday: school FOX HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHH I CANT WAIT!!
Saturday: FOX HILLS!
Sunday: FOX HILLS and coming home

hApPy BiRtHdAy LaUrEn N cArLy!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

HaPpY bIrThDaY jOhN!
(ya ive kinda 4gotten the title lately so....title: They were right wen they sed things could only get better

morning: stupid Sydney took my alarm clock n so i woke up @ 6:40...I HATE SYDNEY!!!

bus stop: talked 2 Alyssa i think....lol

bus: nothing really....just talked

school: um.............talked 2 stormey....n then she didnt put her make up 2day so i got really pissed b cuz shes like omg i gotta put my makeup on, n i was liek y?!?! its not a big deal n shes like i look like shit...n im like no u dont...n then ya i got really really pissed

Gym: softball, Kristen got hit in the head, lol n we were all laughing

LA: OMG....I KNO HOW 2 READ!!! lol dont ask...

ALgebra: i didnt do my assignment b cuz i was 2 overwhelmed last night, n then we learned sumthing easy....i think?

FFL: i did my presentation....n then Jenna was being reall nice (she alwaiz is but now its more than usual) shes sooo awesome

Computer: Gosh do i love ahnna, jarron, chris n carly...they rock soo much

Lunch: Chance was sick so i was just sitting there....*sigh*

History: um....we watched a movie....well we were possta but i fell in2 a really deep sleep n Mrs. Taylor hadda come n shake me 2 wake me up....oops

Study hall: um....oops...i looked thru kelly's yearbook, it was alotta fun....

Science: um....idk...all i member is that it was soooooo much fun, n a quote from yesterday "Oh baby!" lol

after school: give chocolate 2 lotsa ppl n then started walking...Stormey was lettin Bisciut out....so she saw me n shes like lets go 2 Chance's house b cuz i kno hes not sick...so we did....n he looked so sick i felt bad....(he looks pretty cute in pjs ;-)) n so Stormey wouldnt leave him alone...n i felt bad so im like lets go Stormey n she wouldnt leave so i almost started 2 cry b cuz i felt soo bad (n im not talkin about the chance thing right @ the moment) n then we left n Chance is like LOVE YA STORMEY!!!n so i made a sad face n he goes I LOVE YOU 2 MORGAN!! n gave me a hug then stormey made a sad face b cuz he wanted one n he goes bye guys n just shuts the door....lol n then on the way 2 where i babysit i hadda head conversation....lol wow....


got home n aahh things r better....but not totally...o n emily is mad @ me...im just sick of all this shit goin around school so i dont really care

o n the whole day i was thinking about Missy....ya thanx alot,i feel sooooooooooooooooooooo bad 4 her

after that: i talked 2 andy 4 like 1/2 hour about nate n just about life in general....i think i still kinda have feelings 4 him....ha ha, we talked about seasonal hearts....lol 4 Valentines day Kelly got all of us kids Seasonal hearts and dark chocolate (aaww hes sooo nice) but neways ya....so we were talkin about seasonal hearts....i was laughing....

now: my aunt is over from Michigan n so she is visiting

later: prolly noting

2marow: nothing....call me!

~*Erika, i hope everything gets better 4 you*~

Thursday, February 09, 2006

ok, ya ive had pretty short entries....ill write about my day
got up put onmy clothes went online....was soooooooooooo close 2 just not going n leaving....but then i was like well i would get really cold (n yes that is the reason i didnt do it, if it was summer i would have)
bus stop:
the second alyssa gets there i go, dont ask about it...n wut does she do?! aahh neways
everyone was talkin about 2night on the bus...n so i got scared
well went 2 my locker n got my stuff VERY fast n went over 2 Alyssa's locker....n of course i was about 2 blow up.....n ya....im not goina mention all of it, then i walked around w/ stormey n then we went up the stairs n i wanted 2 kill sum1, then we went over 2 Eric's locker n i was sooooooooooooo outta it that i accually went w/ her n we talked 2 him n the funniest thing is....he went 2 townline on tuesday....hes like "does erika work @ townline?" n i told him that she does n he goes o i thought so b cuz i went 2 townline on tuesday after wrestling...n i was like o ok....im taken 2 Stormey 2 Two Rivers next weekend b cuz Syd is haven her b-day party saturday night up in Two RIvers n me n Tay r taken a friend. N i was like ya if i dont find sum1 then im not goin b cuz im am NOT goina spend my saturday night alone w/ like 10 10 year olds n tay n her friend....so ya Stormey is coming w/ me....n so we talked 2 Eric about it n hes like y r u going there, theres nothing there n then i told him about Fox Hills n hes like o i hadda go there once 4 wrestling...but ya...its goina b fun!! i cant wait!
omg...we hadda run 3 laps....ya being outta shape kinda sux wen it comes 2 this. then we played ultimate football...I L O V E ULTIMATE FOOTBALL!!!! OMG it was soooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun! Me n Kirsten kept fallin on eachother, but ya i was running around the whole time n it felt sooo good. n i got really warm
well we did our line/ sound project n Mike wasnt there so i sat next 2 Brandon n borrowed his markers, n then hes like ya i heard wut happened n i was like ya ok....n then i went n gotta drink....n then i was sitting there....n Mrs. Urcavich got me 2 tell her the stuff b cuz she asked me y i wasnt doing my homework n so i just spilled everything. N i was crien as i explained everything thats wrong right now. n so she wrote me a pass 2 go talk 2 the counseler
i told her everything n she told me 2 just settle down n relax, n take it easy....so i was like ok n so i went 2 Algebra
i didnt get there late, i was right on time b cuz it felt like i was talkin 2 the counseler 4ever....so we corrected the assignment n i was just soo quiet that it was scareing me...n we got a new assignment n i WAS NOT paying attention @ all i was soo outta it....so i was doing my homework n i was like idk wut im doing
Food For Life:
we were possta do sumthing about food n idk....n we hadda share it w/ our partner n Jenna was my partner n i looked @ her n im like....i didnt do it....n she could c the hurt in my eyes so shes like ok, we can work around it...n so then Mrs. Timm is like ok ppl on the end go write up one of ur things on the board.... n i was on the end...so i looked @ Jenna n i was like wut am i goina do? n so i went up there n then shes like ok next ppl....n since Jenna was next she came up 2 me n told me one 2 put so i did put that one up....n i havta do my FFF 4 2marow....n idk wut 2 do
God do i love those ppl ha ha, go 2 google n type in "Brandon Bjorkman" (include the quotes) its sooo funny!!! well i think it is...n we looked @ icons the whole time, i didnt do nework....but it was fun
HOLY SHIT....DRAMA FEST!!! All i havta say is, if u hate Erika or Stormey....dont tell me b cuz im sick of hearing about it....it seems like all of you hate them....n i dont really care, ive tried 2 defend both of em....it doesnt work ....soo now im just gettin pissed off....Chance wouldnt gimmie a hug so Kyla did, stupid Chance
we read n did a worksheet, i went 2 the bathroom n Johnna was @ her locker n so was talkin 2 her about just random things....
Study hall:
@ first John n Holly were still there from lunch so i went up 2 them b cuz steph was there n i was just lsitening 2 wut they were sayen....n stuff...n then i was talkin 2 alyssa about the bus...then i talked 2 Jennifer n Sara n Hannah about wen we went 2 Fire on the Hill b cuz Jennifer went 2....but i didnt kno that...i was a lil 2 preoccupied....lmao

o god....sumthin about Acceleration....I HAVE NO CLUE...she gave us homework n i went up 2 her n i was like um...Mrs. Reed....im goina admit, i wasnt paying attention....can u plz explain it 2 me....n so she did....n then wen there was 10 minutes left....i was soooo scared...ammiee was given me hugs n stuff...n Erica was crien b cuz sumthin happened 2 her....n omg....2day was wayy 2 drama filled
after school:
right away there was Liz...n i was freaking out...like fucken hell...n so shes like just stick w/ me n we will b fine....n i was like oook....n so i did....
just sat there n stared out the window....n kinda talked 2 Lindsey and Alyssa about Lyssa's party, n i think its kinda interesting how she hassa huge question mark next 2 Garretts name but is inviting Erika for sure....uhm....
doin this....n callin my dad soon 2 c if there is sumthing 2 do about "this"
idk ne more...Kelly was goina come over w/ his kids but hes not ne more...so idk ne more
wow.....i have no idea wut 2 say but....i was @ alyssa locker 2day.....n ya....well, i was about ready 2 punch him in the fucken face.....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

i guess i just gotta kno that im not trusted
wow....this class is so much fun....i hate wut we havta do but Jarrin and Chris make it alotta fun Chris is sooo hilarious...we were talkin about Erika n omg wow....

n of course Katie deprived their brains in2 thinking that erika cheated on V soo im just like ya ok w/e no she didnt shut up....it pisses me off

aahh we havta go swimming 4 Gym next week, like i told Andy, im NOT going swimming ill b sick....or just go 2 inschool i dont care
ok i kno u r all geting really fucken sick of me complaining.....im really sorry....really i am....but....right now....theres waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 2 much going on....n i cant handle it all

I dont think ive ever felt so unloved n scared in my entire life as i do right now.....
ya yesterday sucked so much its not worth talkin about


morning: i woke up, got dressed, walk downstairs n just cried 4 like a 1/2 hour. I emailed erika but idk if she knew it was me....wow....im soo overwhlemed

bus stop: nothing really happened...i was soooo tired i wanted 2 just fall over n sleep in the middle of the road

bus: talked 2 Jared

school: ya walked around w/ stormey, found emily.....wanted 2 cry....

gym: i just stood there n wanted 2 cry, Mikayla looked so sad n lonely i wanted 2 ask her wut was wrong but i think its against the worst enemy pact 2 ask them wuts wrong

la: OMG...i didnt feel good @ all...i started crien agen...i hava feeling that this week is goina b very emtional

algebra: i gotta pass 2 go 2 Student Services during study hall; n i did really bad on my assignment; Mike wanted 2 give me his cell phone 4 the whole box of chocolate....n i woulda sed sure but....where would that go?

FFL: did a survey

Computer science: talked 2 Ahnna about how "weird" it was....n i didnt tell her wut it was, lmao n then i told about it in my blog....c post below....lol....n realized how im "losing her" (ya i ko it sounds really stupid like sumthing a guy would say but....ever since that class i couldnt stop worrying about that)

lunch: i sat w/ Chance n "his ppl" n i was really sad....but they all made me laugh

History: i fell asleep like 4 times

study hall: went n registered 4 classes 4 next year , n then i talked 2 mercades....

science: idk...i was soo nervous about my appointment....well i kno that we watched a movie n i talked 2 ashley

after school: i walked in2 Garrett "on pourpose" ok so ya mayb i did....but the funny part was i was drinking propel n i spilled it on myself....n then i went 2 the machines w/ Alyssa n tried 2 fine Mercades b cuz i borrowed her my sweatshirt in study hall n she told me she would give it back 2 me after school...but i couldnt find her....o well

w/ my dad: OMG...from the second i got in2 the van i was counting down the minutes til i didnt havta b w/ him....he is sucha JERK...AAHH...we were 30 minutes late 4 my appointment b cuz hes an asshole n cant find the place....my god hes so fucken dumb....well while we were driving around i was thinking about the whole "situation" that im in n it made me cry so my dad just sighs really loudly n rudliy like "my god wut r u crying about this time" n then wen we got there i sat down n the person asked me how i was wut was happening....n then my dd is like, can we talk in private so i hada leave n i was like um ok w/e...there was this weird looking chick that kept staring @ me...i was like um ok....n the only open spot was next 2 this REALLY hot kid....n i was like o great....my eyes r all puffy n ive been crying alot n i havta sit by this really hot guy......damn n then afterwards we were going home n i just counldnt stand him....

right now: talking 2 alyssa n garrett....well mostly alyssa b cuz garrett n i hardly ever talkin wen we r online...n i am soo upset right now that i could just like sit n stare @ a wall 4 like 3 hours n i still wouldnt even kno i was doing it....i needa really big hug right now....i hate this alot....

later: taken a shower 2 settle down...n just cry b cuz sumtimes that just wut u gotta do n like erika says "tears dry"

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

OMG....its so weird.....how can my mom n all u other "ppl" stand this?

Ok ppl unless u r Erika, i am NOT telling you n im even hesitant 2 tell Erika....b cuz i dont want her 2 die laughing. I swear....she will die....LMAO

ok.....2night is goina suck...A L O T!!! N i wont b able 2 tell Rika about it right away! :'( but she will b working!! YAYAYAY GOOD JOB ERIKA!!

Good Luck 2night Erika Babe!
OMG...wow....2day sucked like majorly but wow the end....IT WAS FUCKEN FUN!! ME CASS N GARRETT....wwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooowwww;

Good times in the chat room:
~one of the reasons that Garrett isnt goin out w/ me is b cuz i dont like oral sex.....lmao
~Cassie can count how many ppl she has hugged...my god i cant even count how many hugs that i give/ get in one day!!!
~cassie hates nething that hasta do w/ other ppl like sex n kissing
~Garretts online hugs r better than Cassie's even tho they both do this: *hug* lol
~I give good hugs
~ ok this one explains its self 8-------------------------------------------------->:- o LMAO n yes its possta b that long...right cass?
~ erika gives better hgus than garrett....but i think that garrett gives better ones ;-)
~ cassie is a better person after 2night
~ Cassie is in Garrett's club b cuz i made her say yes!
~ Cassie has no one 2 bang
~ Garrett is sexy n no one is goina argue w/ that
~Garrett is loveable n full of love
~ im sick of arguing w/ garrett so Erika is the best n Garrett is the 2nd best
~ OMG...Cassie knos who i like....n no one told her....she just guessed a random name n she was right....
~ Andy kept signing on n off
~ I love asken the ? who loves me wen cassie is around b cuz she doesnt say nething....so i asked in the chat room n garrett was like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee n then cassie goes i dont love anybody....lol

wow ya....n i was totally pissed off b4 that....my god i was ready 2 kill sum1....but those 2....aahh those 2 r 2 funny!!! n garrett is a really good friend....n cassie....um shes ua....supportive? lol


Monday, February 06, 2006

ok who ever doesnt love erika....is ABSOLUTLY INSANE , shes the bestest


all i did all day was talk online

ya tay hadda seizure last NIGHT :'( so i hope it doesnt happen agen...theres already alotta health issues w/ me n my mom that we dont need her 2, so ya....i love you hun!!!

only 23 days til syd is 10!!! yay double digits....i still member my 10th birthday....il explain that later....


this weeks agenda:
~2marow: i get my sibs back!!!! i miss them sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!! N Coop called me 2day 2 tell me he missed me....aaww wut a cute brother!!!!
~Tuesday: hopefully injuring myself badly during school; but if that doesnt happen i g2g 2 Appleton w/ my loser
~Wednesday: hopefully sumthing w/ ♥ H ♥ I ♥ M ♥
~Thursday: Babysitting
~Friday: babysitting; hopefully hanging out w/ a friend or 2
~Saturday: emily is sleeping over?
~Sunday: dreading Monday

ya so thats my week....2night i enjoyen my last night as an only child....i like it but i miss my sibs :-)

So ya


Sunday, February 05, 2006

ya well i hate this computer like alot...neways last night was sooo much fun!

title: Im in love w/ a Senior

erika pretty much told it all...

but ya....b4 she got there...i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed @ Cassie. but after the game she sed she was sorry n i 4gave her

Ok the guys that i consider FUCKABLE from last night
1. BT
2. Ben
3. Craig
4. Matt Phillips
5. # 52
6. # 52's brother
7. blue shirt guy
8. "my boyfriend"
9. Andy (i swear if u ppl think i am talkin about Beaudry ur dead, besides he wasnt there)

i think thats it....
inside jokes:
~*~Big Sexy
~*~His sister died
~*~ junk food
~*~ we look so pathetic sitting here
~*~ o hes cute wuts his name?
~*~ MY HUMPS!!
~*~My boyfriend
~*~ BT
~*~ Ben
~*~ Craig
~*~ fuckable
~*~ #52=elliot=eeww=NOT FUCKABLE
~*~its not jiggly @ all its just perfect
~*~they were skin tight boxers so that they dont flop around
~*~ can i dump him now?
~*~ dont let morgan n josh becume friends
~*~ thats never goina happen
~*~ right after valentines day?
~*~ mine wont close
im sure theres like 100000000 more but i cant member em all rik n cass if there r ne more u can put em in my tagboard or erika u can just post em

ya well i just found sumthin out....n its scary...............

o ya n i gotta go 2 the doctor b cuz im gettin one of those things agen

Saturday, February 04, 2006


well ya....im pissed off now...

im sitting here on my recliner; watchen friends n talking online....its pretty good....

my mom is spending the night @ her bfs house so im home all alone til 10 2marow....n im sick so everythings pretty good cept 4 the sick part....but im not 2 sick ne more....only a lil bit of neusea n dizziness but i shuld get 2 sleep so im better 4 2marow...

love morgan

well ya....im pissed off now...

im sitting here on my recliner; watchen friends n talking online....its pretty good....

my mom is spending the line @ her bfs house so im home all alone til 10 2marow....n im sick so everythings pretty good cept 4 the sick part....but im not 2 sick ne more....

love morgan