Wednesday, November 23, 2005


The constant bragging about how he knos everything n idk nething makes me break down inside even tho on the outside i am sayen " i dont care" truth is...i care alot n this is bugging me since not just him knos...

I need sum1 that i can just tell EVERYTHING 2...n they understand...sum1 who wont think i am insane...

2day i cried 4 like 3 1/2 hours n yes Garrett that is possible...mayb not 4 u since u would only cry if ur whole family died...but 4 us girls...its possible


i kno wut i need but the person i need wont go 4 it....

love morgan
~*~*~:-( ~*~*~ ;-( ~*~*~ :p ~*~*~*

i miss him so much, Hes the one that makes me laugh wen i dont even wanna smile. His smile is the best....n never in his life has hated me!

-*-The worst feeling isn't being lonely-It's being forgotten by someone you could NEVER forget
-*-Have you ever wanted something SO bad and you would do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to get it, but you had absolutely NO control over it??? -*-
-*-iF yOu TaLk AbOuT mE* *I gOt SoMe AdViCe...* *ClIcK uR hEeLs 3 tImEz AnD sAy* *I wIsH i HaD a LyFe!-*-
-*-PrOmiSe iS a PrOmIsE* *ThAt iS WhAt ThEy sAy* *WeLcOmE tO ReALiTy HuNnIe* *tHeYrE BrOkEn EvErYdAy-*-
-*- i`m not gonna pretend u didn`t hurt me; believe me hun, u completely destroyed me.but i guess i really should be thankin` ubcuz now, thanks to u, i kno which of my friends are really true.-*-
-*-No matter what happens the first person you love you will always love.No matter who else comes along he'll always be on your mind &in your heart & just when you think you're over him you see his face &your feelings are back again.-*-
-*-I want to be remembered as the one who always made you smile,the one who could brighten your day..Even if she couldn't brighten her own.-*-
-*-If someone breaks your heart, just punch them in the face. Oh sure, it seems obvious now, but you'd be amazed at how many people don't think of it when it's relevent. Seriously, just punch them in the face and go get some ice cream-*-
-*-i'm just the hopeless girl that sits on the computer and waits for that special someone to get online.-*-
-*- WHEN Y0U ARE A TEENAGE GiRL----<3--you're>
-*-Cinderella walked on b r o k e n g l a s s, Sleeping Beauty let a whole lifetime [ pass ] Belle fell in love with a hideous beast. Pocahontas[ r i s k e d ] her life for a feast, Jasmine could have had anyone instead she chose a poor man & Arial walked on land all for love & all for life it was all -*- -*-All she wants is for someone to hold her when she's crying and tell her it's all going to be okay; tell her she is beautiful; talk about her to your friends; never break her heart; treat her like she's a princess; let her ask as many questions when you're watching a game; let her pick out the movie; call her just because; make her laugh; have a seperate ring tone for her, so you know she is calling you; bring her her favorite flowers; comment on her hair after she's got it done; let her make up cute nicknames; ask how her day was; call her back after she hangs up on you; say sweet things to her; sing with her in the car; be cRaZy with her; stand in the rain and kiss her; never lie to her; look up at the stars with her; and most importantly say "i love you" and really mean it. <33-*-

Hava good Thanksgiving everyone

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